Prague Dependency Treebank CDROM
Corpora/PDT1.0/ Structure

1 Data/sgml/ all annotated files in the SGML format
2 Data/fs/ all annotated files  in the FS format
3 Data/anal_for_tect_devtest/ see detailed description
4 Data/anal_for_tect_etest/ see detailed description
5 Data/anal_for_tect_training/ see detailed description
6 Data/anal_general_devtest/ see detailed description
7 Data/anal_general_etest/ see detailed description
8 Data/anal_general_training/ see detailed description
9 Data/morph_for_anal_devtest/ see detailed description
10 Data/morph_for_anal_etest/ see detailed description
11 Data/morph_for_anal_training/ see detailed description
12 Data/morph_general_devtest/ see detailed description
13 Data/morph_general_etest/ see detailed description
14 Data/morph_general_training/ see detailed description
15 Data/sgml_analytic/ all files (in the SGML format) annotated on the analytical layer
16 Data/sgml_morphological/ all files (in the SGML format) annotated on the morphological layer
17 Data/sgml_tectogrammatical/ complete set of data (SGML format) annotated on the tectgrammatical  layer
18 References/ publications related to the PDT 1.0
19 Doc/Readme_PDT10.html this file