Grammar and lexicon: interactions and interfaces
A full-day workshop organized by Eva Hajičová (Charles University in Prague) and Igor Boguslavsky (Russian Academy of Sciences and Polytechnic University Madrid)
Aim of the workshop
The workshop is aimed at enhancing the linguistic dimension in the CL spectrum, as well as at strengthening the focus on explanatory rather than engineering aspects.
The broader theme concerns the relations between GRAMMAR and LEXICON, but the workshop is supposed to be specifically focused on burning issues from that domain such as:
- Linguistically oriented issues: valency, and some related special linguistic phenomena such as diathesis; lexicon and morphology (incl. derivational morphology and morphosyntactic features in lexicons and their relation to semantics); lexicons and discourse (e.g. connectors, alternative connecting means);
- Lexicon/Grammar interface: types of information in lexical entries; linguistic vs. encyclopaedic information in the dictionary; syntax and phraseology (microsyntax), the grammar of idioms;
- Computationally related issues: the role of lexicons in grammar formalisms; lexicons and grammars vs. corpora and treebanks; annotation standards; valency dictionaries;
- Semantically driven issues such as semantic representation and lexically-supported inference;
- NLP oriented topics: use of lexicons, gazeteers and other man-made or machine-learnt lexical resources in NLP applications; multiword expressions in lexicons and grammars.
The workshop is intended as a lively forum touching upon issues that might be of interest (and, possibly, an inspiration for application both in theory and in practice)
for a broader research community with different background: linguistic, computational or natural language processing.
Workshop format
We plan a one-day workshop with both
(a) presentations of invited statements focused on particular issues and
(b) presentations of papers and posters selected through an
Open Call for papers with a regular reviewing procedure (short papers of about 20 minutes, incl. discussion).
The short presentations of leading scholars are supposed to set the framework for the discussion in which all the participants will have space for their engagement.
To ensure this, short abstracts of the invited statements are published on the workshop webpage so that the prospective authors of submissions from the Open Call could get inspiration for their own contributions.
The emphasis will be laid on the novelty of ideas, approaches and methodology.
Our intention is to engage all the participants in discussion rather than to organize “another” parallel session of the conference.
Page hosted by ÚFAL and curated by Jiří Mírovský.