Course on Treebank Annotation

December 13-16, 2010, Prague, Czech Republic

The four-days Thematic Training Course on Methods and Technologies for Consolidating and Harmonising Treebank Annotation was held in Prague on 13-16 December 2010. The course was organized by the Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft at the University of Tübingen, in cooperation with the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague

This PhD level course was a part of the thematic training program offered by the Marie Curie ITN project CLARA. The course consisted of lectures, discussions, and hands-on training activities.

Goal and Focus

The course focused on two aspects: the resources and tools as well as the linguistic analysis underlying the annotation schemes of treebanks. It supported the exploration and comparison of dependency-based and constituency-based annotation schemes and provided participants with the necessary skills to utilize existing resources and tools for treebank annotation and to adapt them to the revised and harmonized annotation schemes.

The focus was on the comparability of existing annotation schemes for treebanks across a number of languages. It addressed both the analytic basis and the prospects for harmonizing annotations across different languages and across different linguistic frameworks.


The course was specifically aimed at early stage researchers pursuing a PhD degree, but was also open for candidates at master and postdoctoral levels. The course was relevant for researchers who are interested in language resources: both in the linguistic aspects underlying the annotation schemes and in the data formats and tools for the annotation.
The course was open to external participants.


The project CLARA - Common Language Resources and their Applications - has received research funding from the European Community within the Seventh Framework Programme, Marie Curie Actions.

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