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The Shallow Processing of Large Corpora Workshop (SProLaC 2003)

Lancaster University (UK), 27 March, 2003

          The workshop is sponsored by: OntoText Lab, Sofia

BibTex data for the proceedings is available.
It was prepared by Frank Schumacher, University of Muenster, Arbeitsbereich Linguistik.

Eckhard Bick
A CG & PSG Hybrid Approach to Automatic Corpus Annotation

Alexander Clark
Pre-processing Very Noisy Text

Mark Davies
Relational n-gram Databases as a Basis for Unlimited Annotation on Large Corpora

Stefan Evert, Hannah Kermes
Annotation, Storage, and Retrieval of Mildly Recursive Structures

Xunlei Rose Hu and Eric Atwell
A Survey of Machine Learning Approaches to Analysis of Large Corpora

Adam Kilgarriff
Linguistic Search Engine

Borja Navarro, Montserrat Civit, MЄ Antonia Martн, Raquel Marcos, Belйn Fernбndez
Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Annotation in Cast3LB

Roman Ondruљka, Jarmila Panevovб, Jan Љtepбnek
An Exploitation of the Prague Dependency Treebank: A Valency Case

Petya Osenova and Kiril Simov
Between Chunk Ideology and Full Parsing Needs

Veronika Reznнckovб
Czech Deverbal Nouns: Issues of Their Valency in Linear and Dependency Corpora

Some of the papers presented at the Workshop are included in the Proceedings of the main conference.

Tamбs Vбradi
Shallow Parsing of Hungarian Business News

Philippe Blache, Marie-Laure Guйnot, Tristan van Rullen
A Corpus-based Technique for Grammar Development