TrEd User's Manual

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Installation and start up instructions
2.1. Windows
2.2. Linux, MacOS X, and other UNIX-like systems
3. Basic concepts and terminology
4. Overview of TrEd's user interface
5. Menu commands
5.1. File
5.2. Node
5.3. Tree
5.4. View
5.5. Macros
5.6. Setup
5.7. Help
6. Toolbar
7. Basic tree editing using mouse and keyboard
7.1. Mouse Control
7.2. Keyboard Shortcuts
8. Editing node attributes
8.1. Old interface
8.2. New interface
9. Tree Orientation
10. Customizing Tree Appearance: Stylesheets
10.1. Introduction to stylesheets
10.2. Stylesheet syntax: the styling patterns
11. Printing Trees
12. Using File Lists
13. Configuration and customization
13.1. Colors
13.2. Other options affecting tree appearence
13.3. GUI options
13.4. Fonts
13.5. Printing options
13.6. I/O related options
13.7. Miscelaneous options
13.8. Debugging options
14. Command-line options
14.1. Synopsis
14.2. Filename arguments
14.3. Options
15. User Macros
15.1. A Macro
15.2. Macro files
15.3. Using various character encodings
15.4. Conditional macro code
15.5. Associating macros with menu entries and keyboard shortcuts
15.6. When macro ends
15.7. Accessing tree nodes
15.8. Public API: pre-defined macros
15.9. Hooks: automatically executed macros
15.10. Using different sets of macros in different situations
16. I/O backends
16.1. Treex::PML::IO
16.2. FS backend
16.3. Storable backend
16.4. CSTS_SGML_SP backend
16.5. NTRED backend
16.6. PML backend
16.7. TrXML backend
16.8. TEIXML backend
16.9. Writing a new I/O backend
17. Extension Packages
17.1. Extension Package Format and Content
17.2. Extension Repository
17.3. Developing Extensions