Treex::PML::List documentation

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Treex::PML::List - lists of uniformly typed PML values



This class implements the attribute value type 'list'.

Treex::PML::List->new (val1,val2,...)

Create a new list (optionally populated with given values).

NOTE: Don't call this constructor directly, use Treex::PML::Factory->createList() instead!

Treex::PML::List->new_from_ref (array_ref, reuse)

Create a new list consisting of values in a given array reference. Use this constructor instead of new() to pass large lists by reference. If reuse is true, then the same array_ref scalar is used to represent the Treex::PML::List object (i.e. blessed). Otherwise, a copy is created in the constructor.

NOTE: Don't call this constructor directly, use Treex::PML::Factory->createList() instead!

$list->values ()

Returns all its values (i.e. the list members).

$list->count ()

Return number of values in the list.

$list->append (@values)

Append given values to the list.

$list->push (@values)

An alias for $list-append()).

$list->append_list ($list2)

Append values from a given list or ARRAY-reference to the current list.

$list->insert ($index, @values)

Insert values before the value at a given position in the list. The index of the first position in the list is 0. It is an error if $index is less then 0. If $index equals the index of the last value + 1, then values are appended to the list, but it is an error if $index is greater than that.

$list->insert_list ($index, $list)

Insert all values in $list before the value at a given position in the current list. The index of the first position in the current list is 0. It is an error if $index is less then 0. If $index equals the index of the last value + 1, then values are appended to the list, but it is an error if $index is greater than that.

$list->delete ($index, $count)

Delete $count values from the list starting at index $index.

$list->delete_value ($value)

Delete all occurences of value $value. Values are compared as strings.

$list->delete_values ($value1,$value2,...)

Delete all occurences of values $value1, $value2,... Values are compared as strings.

$list->replace ($index, $count, @list)

Replacing $count values starting at index $index by values provided in the @list (the count of values in @list may differ from $count).

$list->replace_list ($index, $count, $list)

Like replace, but replacement values are taken from a Treex::PML::List object $list.

$list->value_at ($index)

Return value at index $index. This is in fact the same as $list->[$index] only $index is checked to be non-negative and less then the index of the last value.

$list->set_value_at ($index,$value)

Set value at index $index to $value. This is in fact the same as assigning directly to $list->[$index], except that $index is checked to be non-negative and less then the index of the last value. Returns $value.

$list->index_of ($value)

Search the list for the first occurence of value $value. Returns index of the first occurence or undef if the value is not in the list. (Values are compared as strings.)

$list->unique_values ()

Return unique values in the list (ordered by the index of the first occurence). Values are compared as strings.

$list->unique_list ()

Return a new Treex::PML::List object consisting of unique values in the current list (ordered by the index of the first occurence). Values are compared as strings.

$list->make_unique ()

Remove duplicated values from the list. Values are compared as strings. Returns $list.

$list->empty ()

Remove all values from the list.



Treex::PML, Treex::PML::Factory, Treex::PML::Schema, Treex::PML::Alt