Patterns for tell

Pattern / Implicature
1 see comment [[Human 1]^[Institution 1]] tell [Human 2|Institution 2] (Proposition|Speech Act | {thing|something|anything|it|this|that} | THAT-CL|WH-CL|QUOTE)
[[Human 1 | Institution 1 | Information Source]] informs [[Human 2 | Institution 2]] {that [CLAUSE] | WH- [CLAUSE] | [QUOTE]}
usually by using speech, but sometimes in writing
2 [[Inanimate]^[Event]] tell [Human|Institution] [Proposition|Speech Act | {thing|something|anything|it|this|that|little|much| a lot} | THAT-CL|WH-CL|QUOTE]
[[Inanimate| Event]] causes [[Human | System]] to believe or act on {that [CLAUSE] | WH- [CLAUSE]}
3 [[Human 1]^[Institution 1]^[Information Source]] tell [Human 2|Institution 2] (Proposition | {something|that|all|nothing|thing|this|little|a lot|anything|much} | THAT-CL|QUOTE) [{about|of} Anything = Topic]
[[Human 1 | Institution 1 | Information Source]] informs [[Human 2 | Institution 2]]) {about|of} facts concerning [[Anything = Topic]]
4 [[Inanimate]^[Event]] tell (Proposition | {thing|something|anything|it|this|that|little|much| a lot}) [{about|of} Anything = Topic]
[[Inanimate | Event]] provides information of theoretical interest to [[Human]] {about [[Anything = Topic]]}
6 [[Human 1]^[Institution 1]] tell [Human 2|Institution 2] [TO+INF]
[[Human 1 | Institution]] orders, instructs, or advises [[Human 2 | Institution 1]] to/INF [V]
7 [[Human]^[Information Source]] tell [Narrative | {story|tale|joke}] ({about|of} Anything = Topic)
[[Human | Information Source]] presents a [[Narrative]] of a sequence of events
8 [[Inanimate]^[Event]] tell [MOD {story}]
[[Inanimate | Event]] is a reason for believing {[MOD] story}
9 [Human 1] tell [{news}]
[[Human 1]] informs [[Human 2]] about {news}
10 [Human] tell [{lie}]
[[Human]] deliberately states a proposition that he or she knows is not true
11 [Human] tell [{truth}]
[[Human]] states a proposition that is true
despite pressures to remain silent or to say something that is not true
13 see comment [Human] tell [WH-CL]
[[Human]] (finds it hard or impossible to) know the truth about {WH- [CLAUSE]}
14 [Human] tell [{[[Anything 1]] from [[Anything 2]]}]
[[Human]] is able to decide the difference between [[Anything 1]] and [[Anything 2]]
15 [Human] tell [{difference}] ({between} Entity 1]] and [[Entity 2)
[[Human]] is able to decide the difference between [[Anything 1]] and [[Anything 2]]
16 idiom  [no object] [idiom] [{(only) time}] tell
the truth about {WH- [CLAUSE]} cannot be known immediately, but may become known in due course
17 idiom  [no object] [idiom] see comment [Human] tell [{as | so} {far as}]
[[Human]] is uncertain about the truth of what [[Human]] is saying
18 [Human|Institution|Information Source] tell [{time|opinion|news|secret|reason|name|address|result|period|price|date|day|year|outcome|...}]
[[Human|Institution|Information Source]] informs what {fact|time|opinion|secret|reason|name|address|result|period|price|date|day|year|outcome|...} is like
19 idiom  [no object] [idiom] see comment [{strain}] tell
{strain} has a noticeable effect
20 pv  [phrasal verb] [Human 1] tell [Human 2] [{off}] ({for} Action = Bad)
[[Human 1]] says angry words to [[Human 2]] because [[Human 1]] believes that [[Human 2]] had done [[Action = Bad]]
21 [register=Slang] [Human 1 = Schoolchild] tell [{tale}] [{on | against} Human 2 = Schoolchild]
Slang. [[Human 1 = Schoolchild]] reports to [[Human 3 = {Teacher | Authority}]] some [[Action]]done by [[Human 2 = Schoolchild]] that is against a [[Rule]], and by doing so breaches a code of honour among schoolchildren