Patterns for submit

Pattern / Implicature
1 [[Human 1 | Institution 1]^[Human 1 |Institution 1 = Competitor]] submit [[Plan | Document|Speech Act|Proposition | {complaint|demand|request|claim|application|proposal|report|resignation|information|plea|petition|memorandum|budget|amendment|programme|...}]^[Artifact|Artwork|Service|Activity | {design|tender|bid|entry|dance|...}]] (({to} Human 2 | Institution 2 = authority)^({to} Human 2 | Institution 2 = referee)) ({for} {approval|discussion|arbitration|inspection|designation|assessment|funding|taxation|...})
[[Human 1 | Institution 1]] presents [[Plan | Document]] to [[Human 2 | Institution 2]] for {approval|discussion|arbitration|inspection|designation|assessment|taxation|...}
2 [Human | Institution] submit [THAT-CL|QUOTE]
[[Human | Institution]] respectfully expresses {that [CLAUSE]} and invites listeners or readers to accept that{that [CLAUSE]} is true
4 [Human 1 | Institution 1] submit (Self) ({to} Human 2 | Institution 2)
[[Human 1 | Institution 1]] acknowledges the superior force of [[Human 2 | Institution 2]] and puts [[Self]] in the power of [[Human 2 | Institution 2]]
5 [Human 1] submit (Self) [[{to} Eventuality = Unpleasant]^[{to} Rule]]
[[Human 1]] accepts [[Rule |Eventuality = Unpleasant]] without complaining
6 [passive] [Human| Institution] submit [Anything] [{to} Eventuality]
[[Human 1|Institution 1]] exposes [[Anything]] to [[Eventuality]]