No. |
Pattern / Implicature |
1 |
[Human] furnish [[Room]^[Building]] ({with} Furniture|Artifact) |
[[Human]] provides [[Furniture|Artifact]] for use in [[Room | Building]] |
2 |
[Anything] furnish [Anything] [{with} Anything] |
Formal. [[Anything]] provides [Anything]], typically for use by [[Human]] |
3 |
[Human|Institution | {specialized business company}] furnish [{funeral}] |
Formal. [[Human | Institution=business company]] arranges {funeral} as a paid service |
4 |
[Anything] furnish [Anything | {information|example|evidence|report|aid|means|copy|description|material|...}] |
Formal. [Anything] provides [Anything], that others can use |
5 |
furnished * [{with} Furniture|Artifact] |
equipped with [Furniture|Artifact], about a [Room|Building] |
6 |
furnishing * |
the process of equipping a [Room|Building] with [Furniture|Artifact] |
7 |
[Furniture|Artifact] furnish [Room|Building] |
[Furniture|Artifact] contributes to the equipment of a [Room|Building] |