No. |
Pattern / Implicature |
1 | see comment [Human | Institution | Document] claim [Eventuality | {unfair dismissal| success| victory| superiority| constructive dismissal| loss} | THAT-CL|QUOTE] |
[[Human | Institution | Document]] asserts confidently {that [CLAUSE] | [QUOTE]} is true or that [Eventuality] has occurred [CLAUSE] | [QUOTE] may not be true |
2 | [Human | Institution] claim [TO+INF] |
[[Human | Institution]] asserts confidently that [[Human | Institution]] [V] [[Human | Institution]] offers no evidence that [[Human | Institution]] [V] |
3 | [Human|Institution] claim [Entity|Money|Numerical Value | {benefit|compensation|right|relief|cash|status|pension|treasure} = Benefit] |
[[Human|Institution]] asserts confidently that [[Human]] has received or is entitled to receive [[Entity = Benefit]] as a benefit | |
4 | [Human | Institution] claim [{responsibility | credit} for [[Action]]] |
[[Human | Institution]] asserts that [[Human | Institution]] did [[Action]] [[Human | Institution]] believes that [[Action]] is good or justified |
5 | [Anything 1] claim [Anything 2 | {attention|time}] |
[Anything 2 {attention|time}] is needed for [Anything 1] | |
6 | [Event | Human 1] claim [[Human 2 = Victim]^[Artifact]^[{life}]] |
[[Event | Human 1]] causes {[[{Human 2 = Victim} | Artifact]] | life} to be destroyed | |
7 | [Human|Institution|Document|Concept] claim [Anything 1] [{as} Anything 2] [{as|ADJ} ] |
[Human|Institution|Document|Concept] asserts confidently that [Anything 1] has a given [Property] or is [Anything 2] | |
8 | [Human|Human Group] claim [{victory|role|position}] |
[Human|Human Group] wins a price or a top position or gets its opinion through in an argument | |
9 | [Human = military aircraft pilot] claim [Aircraft|Vehicle] ({shot down}) |
[Human=Military aircraft pilot] reports to have shot down [Aircraft] |