Patterns for swell

Pattern / Implicature
1 [no object] [Body Part | Plant Part | Physical Object] swell ({up}) ({with} Physical Object|Stuff|Liquid)
[[Body Part | Plant Part | Physical Object]] becomes enlarged, being full of [Physical Object|Stuff|Liquid]
2 [Human|Device|Animal|Body Part] swell [Stuff|Artifact|Body Part|Body|Container] ({with} Stuff|Liquid)
[[Human|Animal|Device|Body Part]]] causes [[Stuff|Artifact|Body Part|Body|Container]] to become larger (by filling it with [Stuff|Liquid])
3 [no adverbial] [Stuff|Liquid] swell [Stuff|Container|Body Part|Body]
[Stuff|Liquid] penetrates [Stuff|Container|Body Part|Body] and makes it larger by taking space inside it
4 [no object] [[Human Group 1| Animal Group 1]^[{rank|crowd|gathering|attendance|population|...}]] swell (({from} Numerical Value = original)^({from} NUMBER Entity = original)) (({by} Numerical Value | {per cent} = difference)^({by} NUMBER Entity = difference)) (({to} Numerical Value = resulting)^({to} NUMBER Entity = resulting)) ({with} Human 2|Human Group 2)
The {number} of [[Human Group 1 | Animal Group 1]] becomes significantly larger (by [Human 2|Human Group 2] appearing)
5 [Human Group 1|Animal Group 1] swell [Human Group 2| Animal Group 2 | {number|rank|crowd|gathering|attendance|population}] (({from} Numerical Value = original)^({from} NUMBER Entity = original)) (({by} Numerical Value | {per cent} = difference)^({by} NUMBER Entity = difference)) [[{to} Numerical Value = resulting]^[{to} NUMBER Entity = resulting]]
[Human Group 1|Animal Group 1] joins [Human Group 2|Animal Group 2]|{number|rank|crowd|gathering|attendance|population} and the number or size of [Human Group 2|Animal Group 2]|{number|rank|crowd|gathering|attendance|population} increases
6 [no object] [Quantity|Asset|Numerical Value | {number|size|volume|investment|budget|deficit|vote}] swell (({from} Numerical Value = original)^({from} NUMBER Entity = original)) (({by} Numerical Value | {per cent|point} = difference)^({by} NUMBER Entity = difference)) (({to} Numerical Value = resulting)^({to} NUMBER Entity = resulting))
[[Quantity | Asset |Numerical Value]] becomes significantly larger
7 [[Event = Rainstorm]^[{rain | snow}]] swell [Watercourse]
{[[Event = Rainstorm]] | rain | snow} causes [[Watercourse]] to become larger and faster-flowing than usual
Danger of flooding
8 [no object] [Watercourse] swell
[[Watercourse]] becomes larger and faster-flowing than usual, typically because of heavy rain or melting snow
Danger of flooding
9 [no object] [Sound | Music] swell
[[Sound | Music]] becomes louder
10 [no object] [Human] swell ({with} {pride}) ({like} Bird) ({triumphantly|...})
[[Human]] draws him/herself up to look tall and puffs out his/her chest, because of self-satisfaction
11 [Entity|Stuff | {belly|abdomen|scent|gas|eye|breast|hip|vein|...}] swell [{out}]
[Entity] bulges (sticks out in a curved shape)
12 swollen * ({with} Stuff|Physical Object|Liquid)
larger than normal (about body part), typically soaked with a [Liquid]
13 swollen/swelled *
sticking out in a curved shape
14 swollen/swelled *
too large (about organizations, artifacts), rapidly increased (numbers, assets) or intensified (emotions)
15 swollen/swelled *
flooded (about watercourse)
16 swelling *
swollen form
17 [no object] [Emotion|Activity] swell
[Emotion|Activity] becomes more intense
18 [Eventuality] swell [Human Group|Institution|Area|Land | {number|rank|crowd|gathering|attendance|population}]
[Eventuality] causes expansion of [Human Group|Institution|Area|Land]|{number|rank|crowd|gathering|attendance|population}
19 [Eventuality] swell [Quantity|Numerical Value | {figure|vote|deficit|volume|size|rate|cost|outgoing}]
[Eventuality] causes an increase of [Quantity|Numerical Value|Asset]|{figure|vote|deficit|volume|size|rate|cost|outgoing}
20 [Human|Institution] swell [Quantity|Asset | {size|volume|investment|budget|deficit|fund|profit|vote|account|...}]
[Human|Institution] deliberately increases [Quantity|Asset|]|{size|volume|investment|budget|deficit|vote}
21 idiom  [idiom] [Human|Human Group|Institution|Eventuality|Asset] swell [POSS {coffer} = PL]
[Human|Human Group|Institution|Eventuality|Asset] contributes to [POSSESSOR] wealth
22 [no object] [Institution|Area] swell ({up})
[Institution|Area] expands
23 [Eventuality] swell [Physical Object|Stuff]
[Eventuality] causes [Physical Object|Stuff] to increase its volume