This section describes the annotation of expressions used to signify identification; by identifying expressions are meant:
proper nouns and titles (see Section 8.2, "Proper nouns and titles").
For example: Praha (=Prague), Českomoravská vrchovina (=The Czech-Moravian Uplands), Pavel Novák (=Pavel Novák/lit. Paul Newman) , Organizace pro bezpečnost a spolupráci v Evropě (=Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe).
explicative genitives.
For example: otázka laickosti (=the question of laity), trest smrti (=the death penalty).
expressions used metalinguistically (see Section 8.3, "Expressions used metalinguistically").
For example: slovo pravda (=the word truth), nápis "Odejděte" (=the sign "Go away").
The basic rules for the annotation of identifying expressions are described in Section 8.1, "Basic rules for the annotation of identifying expressions". In the following sub-sections the respective types of identifying expressions are described in more detail.
!!! More complex rules for the annotation of identifying expressions remain to be developed. In this section the current status of the annotation rules is described.
!!! Rules for the annotation of identifying expressions have been gradually developed in the course of the annotation process. No subsequent checking of the representation of identifying expressions according to the latest version of the rules has been carried out in our data. The annotation is therefore very inconsistent.