
ntred - controller/hub/client for remote btred servers


To query the servers:

  ntred [-m macro-file] [-e code] [--hub hub] [--port port]
        [-N|-H] [-T] [--key-file file] [--filelist file-list ] [-L files]
        -- script-arguments

To start remote servers and a hub:

  ntred -i [--servers server[,server,...]] [--serverlist server-list]
           [--filelist file-list] [--max-servers num]
           [--no-server-check] [--no-server-start] [--no-hub-start]
           [--old-dist-method] [--safe-mode] [--server-debug]
           [-m macro-file] [-M module] [--btred path-to-btred]
           [--ssh ssh-command] [--local]
           [--key-file] [--hub hub] [--port port] [file [...]]

To close all remote servers and a hub:

  ntred --quit

To kill all remote servers and a hub:

  ntred --kill

To manage files on the servers:

  ntred --list-files|--list-changed-files
  ntred --reload-files
  ntred --reload-macros [-m macro-file]
  ntred --load-files [--filelist file-list] [file [...]]
  ntred --close-files
  ntred --save-files|--save-changed-files [-s strip-sfx]
       [-a append-sfx] [-p strip-prefix] [-r add-prefix] [-f out-fmt]
  ntred --dump-files [--filelist file-list] [file [...]]
  ntred --upload-file filename < fs-file

Get help:

  ntred -u          for usage (synopsis)
  ntred -h          for help
  ntred --man       for the manual page


This program is able to start one or more btred servers on remote machines over SSH (it is highly recommended to use some authentication method that does not require entering a password each time the SSH connection is needed), create a proxy hub to provide the communication between the servers and a client, distribute given files over the servers (provided the servers are able to load the files from given filenames (eg. they share the files over NFS), query the servers using a btred-macro and collect the answers.

In the client mode, the standard output of the macro is printed to STDOUT of the client. STDERR is reserved for debugging and information messages as well as error messages caused by the macros on the servers. The rest of the error output from a server is stored in a file <logdir>/ntred-server-<host>.log (where <logdir> can be specified using --logdir and defaults to /tmp).



  ntred [-m macro-file] [-e code] [--hub hub] [--port port]
        [-N|-H] [-T] [--key-file file] -- script-arguments
--execute|-e code
This is the query to be executed on the remote servers. It usually either of a name of the macro defined in the file given as --macro-file or some Perl one-liner. If omitted, it defaults to 'autostart()' and a macro with this name must be defined in the macro file provided..

--macro-file|-m filename
A file containing macros that are to be sent to the servers and preloaded on the servers before the particular query code is evaluated. The query code to be evaluated must be specified in --execute.

--hub hostname
The hostname of the hub to connect to (defaults to localhost).

--port port
The port on which the hub is listening (defaults to 1500).

Run the query code on all trees (wrapping the code into a do { CODE } while TredMacro::NextTree() loop).

Run the query code on all nodes (you still must use --all-trees or -T to process all trees) (wrapping the code into a while ($this) { CODE ; $this=$this-following }``;> loop).

Run the query code on all nodes that are not hidden (you still must use --all-trees or -T to process all trees). This wraps the code into a while ($this) { CODE ; $this=$this-following_visible(FS()) }``;> loop).

Run the query code only on files specified on the command line (provided they are already present on some server, i.e. this option does not make servers load files they don't already have). Filenames may contain ordinary TrEd suffixes of the form ##tree or ##tree.node to indicate that the processing should apply only on a single tree (use in combination with -N) or a single node (use without -T and -N). NTrEd URIs of the form ntred:// are also allowed. Relative file-names are expanded according to the current working directory before they are sent to ntred servers.

--filelist|-l filename
Like --list-files|-L but this time the files to be processed are listed in the given file rather than on the command line. Both options may be used togther in which case the file-lists are joined.

This option may be used to provide a file with a session-key which is necessary for the authentication to the running hub. This defaults to `~/.ntred_session_key'.


  ntred -i [--servers server[,server,...]] [--serverlist server-list]
           [--filelist file-list] [--max-servers num]
           [--no-server-check] [--no-server-start] [--no-hub-start]
           [--old-dist-method] [--safe-mode] [--server-debug]
           [-m macro-file] [-M module] [--btred path-to-btred]
           [--ssh ssh-command] [--local]
           [--key-file] [--hub hub] [--port port] [file [...]]
--servers list of hosts
A comma separated list of hosts to run btred servers. The hostname may be optionally followed by a comma and a port number thus making it possible to run several btred servers on one host. If the port number is omitted, it defaults to 1600. See also --serverlist.

--serverlist filename
This provides more convenient way to specify servers by providing a file containing a list of servers, one per line. If neither --servers nor --serverlist is provided, then the list of servers is read from ~/.ntred_serverlist.

--filelist filename
A list of files to distribute between servers (one filename per line). Additional files may be given as command-line arguments.

--max-servers number
Limit number of servers to start even if the list of servers contains more of them.

Skip an initial check for server hosts availability (a dummy attempt for SSH connection).

Don't start new btred servers on the remote hosts. Instead, start a hub and try to connect to the btred servers already running. This requires a server-session key to be given on the standard input.

Start servers on the remote hosts but don't start a hub. The server session key required for authentication to the servers will be printed on the standard output.

Run btred servers in safe mode in which all macros are processed in a Safe compartment whith some security restrictions. This mode seems to be likely to cause btred servers to suffer from memory leaks.

In the safe mode, only the following opcodes and opcode-sets are allowed (see Opcode):

  :base_core :base_mem :base_loop :base_math
  entereval caller dofile
  print entertry leavetry tie untie bless
  sprintf localtime gmtime sort require

plus :base_orig, but the following opcodes (which are forbidden):

  getppid getpgrp setpgrp getpriority setpriority pipe_op sselect
  select dbmopen dbmclose tie untie

Run btred server with -D flag for some more debugging information.

--macro-file|-m filename
A file containing the default set of macros to be prepared on btred servers. The file (with exactly the same path) must be visible from all server hosts.

Allows to specify a file where the the session-key for a client's authentication will be stored. It defaults to ~/.ntred_session_key.

--terminal-encoding|-d encoding
Automatically applies a given character encoding to all stdout output operations on the servers and command-line arguments. Only works with Perl >= 5.8.

--hub hostname
The hostname of the local machine the hub will listen on (defaults to localhost but a machine's hostname may be given to allow remote access to the hub).

--port port
The port number the hub will be listening on (defaults to 1500).

--preload-module|-M module-name
This option is passed to the btred command line when starting a btred server. It makes btred preload a given Perl module at btred startup so as it is available to all macros (DOES NOT WORK WITH RESTRICTED MODE). This option may be specified more than once with different modules.

Use old benchmark-based distribution method.


  ntred --list-files|--list-changed-files
  ntred --reload-files [-filelist file-list] [--listed-files file [...]]
  ntred --reload-changed-files
  ntred --reload-macros [-m macro_file]
  ntred --load-files [--filelist file-list] [file [...]]
  ntred --close-files
  ntred --save-files|--save-changed-files [-s strip-sfx]
       [-a append-sfx] [-p strip-prefix] [-r add-prefix] [-f out-fmt]
  ntred --quit
  ntred --kill [--servers server[,server,...]] [--serverlist server-list]
  ntred --break
  ntred --dump-files [--filelist file-list] [file [...]]
  ntred --upload-file filename < fs-file
Start remote btred servers and a hub. See ``HUB/SERVER MODE''.

Sends the hub and all the servers a command to quit.

Tells ntred nub to send USR1 a signal to all running btred servers. Upon receiving that signal, the servers should stop current processing and return to the request awaiting state.

Kills all ntred instances on the running machine and all btred instances on the servers listed with --servers, --serverlist, or in ~/.ntred_serverlist.

List all files currently open on servers.

List all files that have been changed by some macro. Note, that a macro has to claim that the file was changed by setting $TredMacro::FileChanged variable to 1, otherwise the btred server would never notice.

Apply request only on listed files (currently only works for queries and --reload-files request).

Query number of files open on each server.

Send a command to the btred servers to reload all open files. If --filelist or --listed-files options are given, reload only files occuring in the given lists (all other files remain intact in servers' memory).

Send a command to the btred servers to reload files that have been modified since (re)loaded.

Send command to the btred servers to reload the initial macro file. If -m (--macro-file) is specified, the servers use the given macro-file instead of the original one (specified when initializing btred servers). Note, that the file (with exactly the same path) must be visible from all server hosts.

Send a command to the hub to distribute files given on the command-line or those specified using --filelist of in ~/.ntred_filelist to the servers. Note, that a file distributed to a server is not reloaded by the server if the server already has a file with the same path in memory.

Send a command to the btred servers to close all open files.

Send a command to the servers to save all open files. The filenames of the saved files may be modified using --add-prefix, --strip-prefix, --strip-suffix, --append-suffix.

Same as --save-files except that only files that have been changed by some macro will be saved. Note, that a macro has to claim that the file was changed by setting $TredMacro::FileChanged variable to 1, otherwise the btred server would never notice. See also --list-changed-files.

Dumps given files or trees to standard output in FS format as they are in memory of the btred servers. Individual dumps are separated with `//FSEND' preceded and followed by two newline characters. To output a single tree, follow the filename with ##n suffix where n is the absolute position of the tree in the file (starting from one). The following example shows how csplit command can be used to save individual dumps into separate files:
  ntred --dump <files> | csplit -z -f out -b '%d.fs' - '/\/\/FSEND/+2' '{*}'

To merge these separate files into one huge FS file, use

  any2any -m hugeout.fs out*.fs

This command is kind of a reverse to dump. It takes a filename from the first command line argument and a FS file from the standard input and sends them to the btred servers. The server possessing the file with the given filename replaces its own in-memory copy of the file with the one provided on the standard input. To update a single tree, follow the filename with ##n suffix where n is the absolute position of the tree in the file (starting from one).


--strip-prefix|-p regexp
Remove strings matching given regexp from the beginning of filenames before saving.

--add-prefix|-r prefix
Prepend output filenames with the given prefix when saving.

--strip-suffix|-s regexp
Strip strings matching given regexp from the end of filenames when saving.

--add-suffix|-a suffix
Append given suffix to the filenames when saving.

--output-format|-f [fs|csts|trxml|tei|storable]
Format to use for files being saved.


Print a brief help message on usage and exits.

Prints the help page and exits.

Displays the help as manual page.

Suppress all NTRED-CLIENT/NTRED-HUB messages on error output.

Redirect all std error output to /dev/null.

--ssh command
This option may be used to specify the ssh/rsh command to use to connect to remote servers. Default value is `ssh'.

Run btred servers locally. It ignores all non-local entries in the .ntred_serverlist (i.e. entries not matching local machine's hostname). There still may be more BTrEd instances, provided they use different ports. In this case, SSH is not used.

--btred command
This option may be used to specify the command to use to start a btred server on a remote host. The command must accept any btred parameters.



Why is security an issue here? Because btred servers execute almost arbitrary Perl code provided by the client. In the --unrestricted mode such code may contain arbitrary commands such as system() or open(). It is therefore desirable that the servers are not open for all parties.

The following precautions have been taken to lower the potential security risks:

1) Both btred servers and hub require an authorization based on verification of a MD5 signature of a random data block (generated by the server in case of the hub-to-btred-server communication and by the hub in case of the client-to-hub communication) xor-ed with an authorization key known to both parties. Although the communication is unencrypted, the client must together with each request send an MD5 checksum of the request XORed with the secret authorization key. Only requests whose signature is verified by the server, are responded.

2) There may be only one connection from a hub to server. As soon as it is closed, the server is terminated.

3) If the servers are started by the hub itself (using --init) the authorization key is created by the hub and is passed to the btred server via a ssh encrypted pipe.

4) The authorization key is also stored in user's home directory as ~/.ntred_session_key with permissions set to 600 for cleint's disposal. This theoretically (depending on general system security) limits the access to the hub and thus to the servers to the user running the hub (and root). It may though obviously be abused by root who may run some perl code on all machines running btred servers. This might especially be undesirable if the hub is running on a machine whose administrator would normaly have no user access to the machines running btred servers.

5) It is possible to limit perl code evaluated on the servers within a safer compartment, where some critical perl commands are disabled. In some cases, the restrictions may not be sufficient, in other they may be too strict. Some memory leaks can appear when Safe compartment is used. See --safe-mode above for more discussion.

6) Unless --hub option is used, the hub runs on localhost and as such is not (under normal circumstances) open for connections from the outside world.


~/.ntred_serverlist - default list of servers to use

~/.ntred_filelist - default list of files to load on servers

~/.ntred_session_key - client/hub session key


Petr Pajas <pajas@matfyz.cz>

Zdenek Zabokrtsky <zabokrtsky@ufal.mff.cuni.cz>

Copyright 2003 Petr Pajas and Zdenek Zabokrtsky, All rights reserved.