
FSNode - Simple OO interface to tree structures of Fslib.pm


Create a new FSNode object. FSNode is basicly a hash reference, which means that you may simply acces node's attributes as $node->{attribute}

This function inicializes FSNode. It is called by the constructor new.

Return node's parent node (undef if none).

Find and return the root of the node's tree.

Calculate node's level (root-level is 0).

Return node's left brother node (undef if none).

Return node's right brother node (undef if none).

Return node's first dependent node (undef if none).

following (top?)
Return the next node of the subtree in the order given by structure (undef if none). If any descendant exists, the first one is returned. Otherwise, right brother is returned, if any. If the given node has neither a descendant nor a right brother, the right brother of the first (lowest) ancestor for which right brother exists, is returned.

following_visible (fsformat,top?)
Return the next visible node of the subtree in the order given by structure (undef if none). A node is considered visible if it has no hidden ancestor. Requires FSFormat object as the first parameter.

following_right_or_up (top?)
Return the next visible node of the subtree in the order given by structure (undef if none), but not descending.

previous (top?)
Return the previous node of the subtree in the order given by structure (undef if none). The way of searching described in following is used here in reversed order.

previous_visible (fsformat,top?)
Return the next visible node of the subtree in the order given by structure (undef if none). A node is considered visible if it has no hidden ancestor. Requires FSFormat object as the first parameter.

rightmost_descendant (node)
Return the rightmost lowest descendant of the node (or the node itself if the node is a leaf).

leftmost_descendant (node)
Return the leftmost lowest descendant of the node (or the node itself if the node is a leaf).

getAttribute (name)
Return value of the given attribute.

setAttribute (name,value)
Set value of the given attribute.

Return a list of dependent nodes.

Return a list of visible dependent nodea.

Return a list recursively dependent nodes.

Return a list recursively dependent visible nodes.


FSFormat - Simple OO interface for FS instance of Fslib.pm


create (@header)
Create a new FS format instance object by parsing each of the parameters passed as one FS header line.

new (attributes_hash_ref?, ordered_names_list_ref?, unparsed_header?)
Create a new FS format instance object and initialize it with the optional values.

Duplicate FS format instance object.

initialize (attributes_hash_ref?, ordered_names_list_ref?, unparsed_header?)
Initialize a new FS format instance with given values. See Fslib for more information about attribute hash, ordered names list and unparsed headers.

addNewAttribute (type, colour, name, list)
Adds a new attribute definition to the FSFormat. Type must be one of the letters [KPOVNWLH], colour one of characters [A-Z0-9]. If the type is L, the fourth parameter is a string containing a list of possible values separated by |.

readFrom (source,output?)
Reads FS format instance definition from given source, optionally echoing the unparsed input on the given output. The obligatory argument source must be either a GLOB or list reference. Argument output is optional and if given, it must be a GLOB reference.

Return FS declaration as an array of FS header declarations.

writeTo (glob_ref)
Write FS declaration to a given file (file handle open for reading must be passed as a GLOB reference).

sentord =item order =item value =item hide
Return names of special attributes declared in FS format as @W, @N, @V, @H respectively.

isHidden (node)
Return the lowest ancestor-or-self of the given node marked by 'hide' in the FS attribute declared as @H. Return undef, if no such node exists.

parseFSTree (line)
Parse a given line in FS format (using Fslib::GetTree2) and return the root of the resulting FS tree as an FSNode object.

Return a reference to the internally stored attribute hash.

Return a reference to the internally stored attribute names list.

Return a reference to the internally stored unparsed FS header. Note, that this header must not correspond to the defs and attributes if any changes are made to the definitions or names at run-time by hand.

Refresh special attribute hash.

Return a reference to a hash of attributes of special types. Keys of the hash are special attribute types and values are their names.

Return a list of all attribute names (in the order given by FS instance declaration).

atno (n)
Return the n'th attribute name (in the order given by FS instance declaration).

atno (attribute_name)
Return the definition string for the given attribute.

Return the number of declared attributes.

isList (attribute_name)
Return true if given attribute is assigned a list of all possible values.

listValues (attribute_name)
Return the list of all possible values for the given attribute.

color (attribute_name)
Return one of Shadow, Hilite and XHilite depending on the color assigned to the given attribute in the FS format instance.

special (letter)
Return name of a special attribute declared in FS definition with a given letter. See also sentord and similar.

indexOf (attribute_name)
Return index of the given attribute (in the order given by FS instance declaration).

exists (attribute_name)
Return true if an attribute of the given name exists.

make_sentence (root_node,separator)
Return a string containing the content of value (special) attributes of the nodes of the given tree, separted by separator string, sorted by value of the (special) attribute sentord or (if sentord does not exist) by (special) attribute order.

Create a copy of the given node.

Create a deep copy of the given subtree.


FSFile - Simple OO interface for FS files.


  use Fslib;
  my $file="trees.fs";
  my $fs = FSFile->newFSFile($file);
  if ($fs->lastTreeNo<0) { die "File is empty or corrupted!\n" }
  foreach my $tree ($fs->trees) {
    ...    # do something on the trees


new (name?,format?,FS?,hint_pattern?,attribs_pattern?,unparsed_tail?,trees?,save_status?,backend?,encoding?,user_data?,meta_data?)
Create a new FS file object and initialize it with the optional values.

Same as new but accepts name => value pairs as arguments. The following argument names are available:

filename, format, FS, hint, patterns, tail, trees, save_status, backend

See initialize for more detail.

clone ($clone_trees)
Create a new FSFile object with the same file name, file format, FSFormat, backend, encoding, patterns, hint and tail as the current FSFile. If $clone_trees is true, populate the new FSFile object with clones of all trees from the current FSFile.

initialize (name?,file_format?,FS?,hint_pattern?,attribs_patterns?,unparsed_tail?,trees?,save_status?,backend?,encoding?)
Initialize a FS file object. Argument description:
name (scalar)
File name

file_format (scalar)
File format indentifier (user-defined string). TrEd, for example, uses FS format, gzipped FS format and any non-specific format strings as identifiers.

FS (FSFormat)
FSFormat object associated with the file

hint_pattern (scalar)
TrEd's hint pattern definition

attribs_patterns (list reference)
TrEd's display attributes pattern definition

unparsed_tail (list reference)
The rest of the file, which is not parsed by Fslib, i.e. Graph's embedded macros

trees (list reference)
List of FSNode objects representing root nodes of all trees in the FSFile.

save_status (scalar)
File save status indicator, 0=file is saved, 1=file is not saved (TrEd uses this field).

backend (scalar)
IO Backend used to open/save the file.

encoding (scalar)
IO character encoding for perl 5.8 I/O filters

user_data (arbitrary scalar type)
Applicatoin specific data

meta_data (hashref)
Meta data (usually used by IO Backends to store additional information about the file).

readFile (filename, [backends...])
Read FS declaration and trees from a given file. The first argument must be a file-name. If a list of backend modules is specified, test methods of the modules are invoked as long as one of them succeeds. That module is than used as a backend for opening and parsing the file.

Note: this function sets noSaved to zero.

readFrom (glob_ref, [backends...])
Read FS declaration and trees from a given file (file handle open for reading must be passed as a GLOB reference). This function is limited to use FSBackend only. Sets noSaved to zero.

writeFile (filename)
Write FS declaration, trees and unparsed tail to a given file. Sets noSaved to zero.

writeTo (glob_ref)
Write FS declaration, trees and unparsed tail to a given file (file handle open for reading must be passed as a GLOB reference). Sets noSaved to zero.

newFSFile (filename,encoding?,[backends...])
Create a new FSFile object based on the content of a given file. If a list of backend modules is specified, read methods of the modules are invoked as long as one of them succeeds to open and parse the file.

Optionally, in perl ver. >= 5.8, you may also specify file character encoding.

Return the FS file's file name.

changeFilename (new_filename)
Change the FS file's file name.

Return file format indentifier (user-defined string). TrEd, for example, uses FS format, gzipped FS format and any non-specific format strings as identifiers.

Change file format indentifier.

Return IO backend module name. The default backend is FSBackend, used to save files in the FS format.

Change file backend.

Return file character encoding (used by Perl 5.8 input/output filters).

Change file character encoding (used by Perl 5.8 input/output filters).

Return user data associated with the file

Change user data associated with the file

Return meta data stored into the object usually by IO backends.

Change meta information (usually used by IO backends).

Return meta-data keys (in array context) or meta-data hash reference (in scalar context).

Return a reference to the associated FSFormat object.

Associate FS file with a new FSFormat object.

Return the Tred's hint pattern declared in the FSFile.

Change the Tred's hint pattern associated with this FSFile.

Return the number of display attribute patterns associated with this FSFile.

pattern (n)
Return n'th the display pattern associated with this FSFile.

Return a list of display attribute patterns associated with this FSFile.

Change the list of display attribute patterns associated with this FSFile.

Return the unparsed tail of the FS file (i.e. Graph's embedded macros).

Modify the unparsed tail of the FS file (i.e. Graph's embedded macros).

Return a list of all trees (i.e. their roots represented by FSNode objects).

Assign a new list of trees.

Return a reference to the internal array of all trees (e.g. their roots represented by FSNode objects).

tree (n)
Return a reference to the tree number n.

changeTreeList (new_trees)
Associate a new reference to a list of trees with the this FSFile. The referenced array must be a list of FSNode objects representing all the new trees.

Return number of associated trees minus one.

notSaved (value?)
Return/assign file saving status (this is completely user-driven).

currentTreeNo (value?)
Return/assign index of current tree (this is completely user-driven).

currentNode (value?)
Return/assign current node (this is completely user-driven).

nodes (tree_no, prev_current, include_hidden)
Get list of nodes for given tree. Returns two value list ($nodes,$current), where $nodes is a reference to a list of nodes for the tree and current is either root of the tree or the same node as prev_current if prev_current belongs to the tree. The list is sorted according to the FS->order attribute and inclusion of hidden nodes depends on the boolean value of include_hidden.

value_line (tree_no, no_tree_numbers?)
Return a sentence string for the given tree. Sentence string is a string of chained value attributes (FS->value) ordered according to the FS->sentord or FS->order if FS->sentord attribute is not defined.

Unless no_tree_numbers is non-zero, prepend the resulting string with a ``tree number/tree count: '' prefix.

value_line_list (tree_no)
Return a list of value (FS->value) attributes for the given tree ordered according to the FS->sentord or FS->order if FS->sentord attribute is not defined.

insert_tree (root,position)
Insert new tree at given position.

set_tree (root,pos)
Set tree at given position.

new_tree (position)
Create a new tree at given position and return pointer to its root.

delete_tree (position)
Delete the tree at given position and return pointer to its root.

destroy_tree (position)
Delete the tree at given position and return pointer to its root.


ZBackend - generic IO backend for reading/writing gz-compressed files using either IO::Zlib module or external zcat utility. Only open_backend and close_backend functions are implemented as this backend is meant to be base-class for all other backends which wish to open gz-compressed files.


This variable may be used to set-up the zcat external utility. This utility must be able to compress standard input to standard output. If empty, this backend tries to open the given file using the IO::Zlib module.

This variable may be used to set-up the gzip external utility. This utility must be able to compress standard input to standard output. If empty, this backend tries to open the given file using the IO::Zlib module.

open_backend (filename,mode,encoding?)
Open given file for reading or writing (depending on mode which may be one of ``r'' or ``w''); Return the corresponding object based on File::Handle class. Only files the filename of which ends with `.gz' are considered to be gz-commpressed. All other files are opened using IO::File.

Optionally, in perl ver. >= 5.8, you may also specify file character encoding.

close_backend (filehandle)
Close given filehandle opened by previous call to open_backend


FSBackend - IO backend for reading/writing FS files using FSFile class.


test (filehandle | filename, encoding?)
Test if given filehandle or filename is in FSFormat. If the argument is a file-handle the filehandle is supposed to be open by previous call to open_backend. In this case, the calling application may need to close the handle and reopen it in order to seek the beginning of the file after the test has read few characters or lines from it.

Optionally, in perl ver. >= 5.8, you may also specify file character encoding.

read (handle_ref,fsfile)
Read FS declaration and trees from a given file in FS format (file handle open for reading must be passed as a GLOB reference). Return 1 on success 0 on fail.

write (handle_ref,$fsfile)
Write FS declaration, trees and unparsed tail to a given file to a given file in FS format (file handle open for reading must be passed as a GLOB reference).




Fslib.pm - Simple low-level API for treebank files in .fs format. See FSFile, FSFormat and FSNode for an object-oriented abstraction over this module which allows for using other formats to be represented by the same Perl data structures and objects.


  use Fslib;
  use locale;
  use POSIX qw(locale_h);
  %attribs = ();
  @atord = ();
  @trees = ();
  # read the header
  # read the raw tree
  while ($_=ReadTree(\*F)) {
    if (/^\[/) {
      $root=GetTree($_,\@atord,\%attribs);  # parse the tree
      push(@trees, $root) if $root;         # store the structure
    } else { push(@rest, $_); }             # keep the rest of the file
  # do some changes
  # save the tree
  print @header;      # print header
          \%attribs); # print the trees
  print @rest;        # print the rest of the file
  # destroy trees and free memory
  foreach (@trees) { DeleteTree($_); }
  undef @header;


This package has the ambition to be a simple and usable perl API for manipulating the treebank files in the .fs format (which was designed by Michal Kren and is the only format supported by his Windows application GRAPH.EXE used to interractively edit treebank analytical or tectogramatical trees). See also Dan Zeman's review of this format in Czech at


The Fslib package defines functions for parsing .fs files, extracting headers, reading trees and representing them in memory using simple hash structures, manipulate the values of node attributes (either ``directly'' or via Get and Set functions) and even modify the structure of the trees (via Cut, Paste and DeleteTree functions or ``directly'').


There are many ways to benefit from this package, I note here the most typical one. Assume, you want to read the .fs file from the STDIN (or whatever), then make some changes either to the structure of the trees or to the values of the attributes (or both) and write it again. (Maybe you only want to examine the structure, find something of your interest and write some output about it -- it's up to you). For this purpose you may use the code similar to the one mentioned in SYNOPSIS of this document. Let's see how to manage the appropriate tasks (also watch the example in SYNOPSIS while reading):


First you should read the header of the .fs file using ReadAttribs() function, passing it as parameters the reference to the input file descriptor (like \*STDIN), reference to an array, that will contain the list of attribute names positionaly ordered and storing its return value to a hash. The returned hash will then have the attribute names as keys and their type character definitions as values. (see ReadAttribs description for detail).

Note, that no Read... function from this package performs any seeking, only reads the file on. So, it's expected, that you are at the beggining of the file when you call ReadAttribs, and that you have read the header before you parse the trees.

Anyway, having the attribute definitions read you probbably want to continue and parse the trees. This is done in two steps. First you call the ReadTree() function (passing it only a reference to the input file descriptor) to obtain (on return) a scalar (string), containing a linear representation of the next tree on input in the .fs format (except for line-breaks). You should store it. Now you should test, that it was really a tree that was read and not something else, which may be some environmetal or macro definition for GRAPH.EXE which is allowed by .fs format. This may be done simply by matching the result of ReadTree() with the pattern /^\[/ because trees and only trees begin with the square bracket `['. If it is so, you may continue by parsing the tree with GetTree(). This function parses the linear .fs representation of the tree and re-represents it as a structure of references to perl hashes (this I call a tree node structure - TNS). For more about TNS's see chapter called MODIFYING AND EXAMINING TREES and the REFERENCE item Tree Node Structure. On return of GetTree() you get a reference to the tree's TNS. You may store it (by pushing it to an array, i.e.) and continue by reading next tree, or do any other job on it.

When you are finished with reading the trees and also had made all the changes you wanted, you may want to write the trees back. This is done using the PrintFS() function (see its description bellow). To create a corect .fs file, you probably should write back the header before writing the trees, and also write that messy environmetal stuff after the trees are written.


TNS represents both a node and the whole subtree having root in this node. So whole trees are represented by their roots. TNS is actualy just a reference to a hash. The keys of the hashes may be either some of attribute names or some `special' keys, serving to hold the tree structure. Suppose $node is a TNS and `lemma' is an attribute defined in the appropriate .fs file. Than $node->getAttribute(``lemma'') is value of the attribute for the node represented by TNS $node. You may obtain this value also as Get($node,``lemma''). From the $node TNS you may obtain also the node's parent, sons and brothers (both left and right). This may be done in several equivalent ways. TNS's of a nodes relatives are stored under values of those `special' keys mentioned above. These keys are chosen in such a way that they should not colide with attribute names and are stored in the following scalar variables:

(You may change these variables if you want, but note, that modifying them once the trees are read may lead to problems:-)

So, to obtain $node's parent's TNS you may use either $node->{$parent} or Get($node,$parent) or even special function Parent($node). The same holds for the first son, left and right brothers while you may also prefere to use the FirstSon(), LBrother() and RBrother() functions respectively. If the node's relative (say first son) does not exist, the value obtained in either of the mentioned ways is still defined but zero.

To create a new node, you usually create a new hash and call NewNode() passing it a reference to the new hash as a parameter.

To modify a node's value for a certain attribute (say 'lemma'), you symply type $node-setAttribute(``lemma'',``bar'')> (supposed you want the value to become 'bar') or use the Set() function like Set($node,"bar");.

To modify the tree's structure, you may use Cut and Paste function as described bellow or to delete a whole subtree you may use the DeleteTree function. This also frees memory used by the TNS. If you want to delete a subtree of $node, but still keep its root, you may use a construct like:

  DeleteTree(FirstSon($node)) while(FirstSon($node));

Note, that Cut function also deletes a subree from the tree but keeps the TNS in memory and returns a reference to it.

There is also a global variable $Fslib::FSTestListValidity, which may be set to 1 to make Fslib::ParseNode check if value assigned to a list attribute is one of the possible values declared in FS file header. Because this may slow the process of parsing significantly (especially when there is a lot of list attributes) the default value is 0 (no check is performed).


ReadAttribs (FILE,$aref[,$DO_PRINT[,OUTFILE]])
   FILE      - file handle reference, like \*STDIN
   $aref     - reference to array
   $DO_PRINT - if 1, read input is also copied to
               $OUTFILE (which must be a filehandle reference, like
               if 0, read input is also stored to the @$OUTFILE
               array (in this case $OUTFILE is a reference to an array).
   $OUTFILE - output file handle or array reference , \*STDIN if ommited
   A hash, having fs-attribute names as keys
   and strings containing characters identifying
   types as corresponding values
   The characters may be some of following
   (as given by the .fs format):
       K        Key attribute
       P        Positional attribute
       O        Obligatory attribute
       L        List attribute
       N        Numerical attribute
       V        Value atribute (for displaying in GRAPH.EXE)
   The $aref should be on input a reference to
   an empty array. On return the array contains
   the key values of the returned hash (the attributes)
   orderd as thay are defined in FS file, i.e. in
   their positional order.
ReadTree (FILE)
   FILE - file handle, like STDIN
   A string containing the next tree read form FILE
   in its source form (only with concatenated lines).
GetTree ($tree,$aref,$href)
   $tree - the source form of a tree with concatenated lines
   $aref - a reference to an array of attributes in their
           positional order (see ReadAttributes)
   $href - a reference to a hash, containing attributes as keys
           and corresponding type strigs as values
   A reference to a tree hash-structure described below.
PrintNode ($node,$aref,$href,$output?)
   $node - a reference to a tree hash-structure
   $aref - a reference to an array of attributes in their
           positional order (see ReadAttributes)
   $href - a reference to a hash, containing attributes as keys
           and corresponding type strigs as values
   $output - output filehandle
   Not specified.
   Prints the node structure referenced by $node
   to $output (or STDOUT) in the source format.
PrintTree ($node,$aref,$href,$output?)
   $node - a reference to a tree hash-structure
   $aref - a reference to an array of attributes in their
           positional order (see ReadAttributes)
   $href - a reference to a hash, containing attributes as keys
           and corresponding type strigs as values
   $output - output filehandle
   Not specified.
   Prints the tree having its root-node referenced by $node
   to STDOUT in the source format
Parent($node), FirstSon($node), LBrother($node), RBrother($node)
   $node - a reference to a tree hash-structure
   Parent, first son, left brother or right brother resp. of
   the node referenced by $node
Next($node,[$top]), Prev($node,[$top])
   $node - a reference to a tree hash-structure
   $top  - a reference to a tree hash-structure, containing
           the node referenced by $node
   Reference to the next or previous node of $node on
   the backtracking way along the tree having its root in $top.
   The $top parameter is NOT obligatory and may be omitted.
   Return zero, if $top of root of the tree reached.
   $node - a reference to a node
   Cuts (disconnets) $node from its parent and brothers
   $node      - a reference to a (cutted or new) node
   $newparent - a reference to the new parent node
   $href      - a reference to a hash, containing attributes as keys
                and corresponding type strigs as values
   connetcs $node to $newparent and links it
   with its new brothers, placing it to position
   corresponding to its numerical-argument value
   obtained via call to an Ord function.
 Returns $node
 Exported with EXPORT_OK
   $node    - a reference to a tree hash-structure
   $href    - a reference to a hash, containing attributes as keys
              and corresponding type strigs as values
   $defchar - a type string pattern
   Value of the first $node attribute of type matching $defchar pattern
 Exported with EXPORT_OK
   $href    - a reference to a hash, containing attributes as keys
              and corresponding type strigs as values
   $defchar - a type string pattern
   Name of the first attribute of type matching $defchar pattern
AOrd, ASentOrd, AValue, AHide ($href)
 Exported wiht EXPORT_OK
   $href    - a reference to a hash, containing attributes as keys
              and corresponding type strigs as values
 Are all like Ord, SentOrd, Value, Hide only except for
 they do not get $node as parameter and return attribute
 name rather than its value.
 Exported with EXPORT_OK
   $node - a reference to a tree hash-structure
   $href - a reference to a hash, containing attributes as keys
           and corresponding type strigs as values
   $node's ord (value of attribute declared by type character N)
   Same as Special($node,$href,'N')
 Exported with EXPORT_OK
   $node - a reference to a tree hash-structure
   $href - a reference to a hash, containing attributes as keys
           and corresponding type strigs as values
   $node's value attribut (value of attribute declared by type character V)
   Same as Special($node,$href,'V')
 Exported with EXPORT_OK
   $node - a reference to a tree hash-structure
   $href - a reference to a hash, containing attributes as keys
           and corresponding type strigs as values
   $node's sentence ord (value of attribute declared by type character W)
   Same as Special($node,$href,'W')
 Exported with EXPORT_OK
   $node - a reference to a tree hash-structure
   $href - a reference to a hash, containing attributes as keys
           and corresponding type strigs as values
   "hide" if $node is hidden (actually the value of attribute declared
   by type character H)
   Same as Special($node,$href,'H')
   $attr - an atribute name
   $href - a reference to a hash, containing attributes as keys
           and corresponding type strigs as values
   1 if attribut $attr is declared as a list (L) in hash of attribute defs
   (referenced in) $href
   0 otherwise
   $attr - an atribute name
   $href - a reference to a hash, containing attributes as keys
           and corresponding type strigs as values
   a list of allowed values for attribute $attr as defined in
   the hash of attribyte defs $href
   $node      - a reference to a node
   $attribute - attribute
   $value     - value to fill $node's $attribute with
   Does the same as $node->setAttribute($attribute,$value)
   $node      - a reference to a node
   $attribute - attribute
   Returns $node->getAttribute($attribute)
   $node      - a reference to a node
   $attrs     - list of attributes to display
   Draws a tree on standard output using character graphics. (May be
   particulary useful on systems with no GUI - for real graphical
   representation of FS trees look for Michal Kren's GRAPH.EXE or
   Perl/Tk based program "tred" by Petr Pajas.
   @backends  - a list of backend names
   Demand to load the given backends and return a list of
   backends for which the demand was fulfilled. These
   backends may then be freely used in FSFile IO calls.
 TNS is a normal hash, whose keys are names of attribute
 and whose values are strings, values of the correspoding
 attributes (as they are given in the FS format source).
 In addtion, few other keys and values are added to each node:
   "Parent"    which is a reference to the parent node (or zero if N/A)
   $firstson  a reference to the first son's node (or zero)
   "RBrother"  a reference to the first right brother (or zero)
   $lbrother  a reference to the first left brother (or zero)
 You may initialize a new node by calling NewNode($node),
 where $node is a reference to some (existing and rather empty) hash.

