sice [otherwise, granted] (primary, single; count: 2)

Note: This entry only covers stand-alone connective usages of "sice". Correlative usages such as "sice ~ ale" are parts of other entries (e.g. "ale").

connective usages (100%; intra 50%)
rare: disjunctive alternative (jinak, nebo [otherwise], source: other; coordinating conjunction)
Note: Old Czech
[arg_semantics: symmetric; ordering: 2; integration: first]
examples: Udělej to, sice bude zle. [Do it, or it will be bad!]
rare: opposition (na jednu stranu [on the one hand], 100%; intra 50%; adverb)
Note: Not stand-alone, like German "zwar". Always correlative with "ale" ("but") or similar contrastives. If alone, than stylistically incorrect: loss of text perspective.
[arg_semantics: symmetric; ordering: 1; integration: any]
examples: Ta sice zatím neexistuje. V současné době vzniká iniciativa, která má vyústit v její založení. [Granted it does not exist yet. An initiative is currently being set up to result in its establishment.] Definice zásadní věci je sice obtížná, je vždy tím, co je uvedeno v koaliční smlouvě či prohlášení vlády jako program nebo cíl. [Although it is difficult to define a fundamental matter, it is always what is stated in the coalition agreement or the government's statement as a program or goal.]
non-connective usages (N/A)