nikoli [not] (primary, single; count: 159)

Note: negation particle, often with verb ellipsis

variants: nikoliv
connective usages (15%; intra 92%)
correction-1 (a ne [and not (rather than)], 67%; intra 94%; particle)
Note: less typical (negated claim on the right), verb mostly elided
[arg_semantics: explication:claim; ordering: 2; integration: first]
complex_forms (56%): nikoli tedy [not (actually)] (cont) / a nikoliv [and not] (cont) / a nikoli [and not (rather than)] (cont) / nikoliv však [but not] (cont) / nikoliv jenom [not just] (cont) / pouze ~ nikoli [just ~ not] (corr)
examples: Jsem proti národním státům, nikoli proti národům a národnostem. [I am against nation states, not against nations and nationalities.] Podle nového zákona jmenuje děkana fakulty rektor, a nikoli akademický senát, jak tomu bylo dosud. [Under the new law, the dean of the faculty is appointed by the rector, and not by the academic senate, as has been the case so far.] Poskytují záruku na své výrobky šest měsíců ode dne dodání zboží do prodejny, a nikoliv až ode dne prodeje konečnému spotřebiteli. [They provide a guarantee for their products for six months from the date of delivery of the goods to the store, and not from the date of sale to the final consumer.]
correction-2 (ne ~ nýbrž [not ~ but], 25%; intra 83%; particle)
Note: typical order, left argument (claim) negated
[arg_semantics: explication:claim; ordering: 1; integration: any]
complex_forms (100%): nikoliv ~ ale [not ~ but] (corr) / nikoliv ~ nýbrž [not ~ rather] (corr) / nikoli ~ ale [not ~ but] (corr) / nikoli ~ pouze [not ~ only] (corr)
examples: Vyšeslavcev naproti tomu tvrdil, že Rusko jde vlastní cestou, ale nikoli z důvodu nějaké vyvolenosti. Pouze v určitém okamžiku tak jako každý jiný národ zvažuje cíle, priority. [Vyšeslavcev, on the other hand, claimed that Russia was going its own way, but not because of being some chosen one. Only at a certain moment, like any other nation, it considers goals, priorities.] Nikoli jestli si směnitelnost můžeme dovolit, ale zdali si ještě můžeme dovolit "luxus" ji nemít. [Not if we can afford convertibility, but can we still afford the "luxury" of not having it.] Stalo by se tak nikoliv proto, že by si to v evropských metropolích přáli, nýbrž proto, že by k tomu tlačil vývoj událostí. [This would happen not because they wanted it in European capitals, but because events would push it.]
rare: confrontation (ne [not], 4%; intra 100%; particle)
[arg_semantics: symmetric; ordering: 2; integration: any]
examples: Dověděla se to rada, žadatelé o licenci nikoli. [The council found out, the license applicants did not.]
non-connective usages (85%)
particle (ne [not], 100%)
examples: Choval se prý jako pistolový maniak, jemuž pistole sloužila nikoliv k obraně, ale k zastrašování. [He was said to have acted as a pistol maniac, whose pistol was used not to defense but to intimidation.] Přibližuje se dnes, pět let po něžné revoluci, střední škola solidnímu evropskému průměru? Podle svědectví učitelů, žáků i pedagogů nikoliv. [Today, five years after the gentle revolution, is secondary school approaching the solid European average? Not according to the testimony of teachers, pupils and educators.]