dokud [until, while] (primary, single; count: 45)

Note: Senses significantly modified in individual contexts compared to annotation in the PDT data.

connective usages (91%; intra 100%)
condition (pokud [as long as], 51%; intra 100%; subordinating conjunction)
Note: Temporal meaning is also present, but conditional meaning is more specific and stronger in these contexts. Verbs in the clause connected by dokud are mostly perfective and obligatorily negated, imperfective verbs are much less common.
[arg_semantics: condition:condition; ordering: any; integration: first]
complex_forms (5%): dokud ~ tak [as long as ~ so] (corr)
examples: Inspektoři OSN chtějí uzavřít dvě irácké raketové střelnice, dokud zde Irák neumožní instalaci monitorovacích kamer. [UN inspectors want to close two Iraqi rocket ranges until Iraq allows installation of surveillance cameras there.] Maastrichtská smlouva nemůže vstoupit v platnost, dokud ji všech 12 členských zemí Evropského společenství nepodepíše. [The Maastricht Treaty cannot enter into force until all 12 member states of the European Community have signed it.] Říká se o nich, že se překonávají, dokud je stav 0:0, takže musíme dát rychle gól a pak už to půjde samo. [They are said to be overcoming themselves as long as the score is 0:0, so we have to score a goal quickly and then it will go by itself.]
precedence-succession (až do doby, kdy [until], 27%; intra 100%; subordinating conjunction)
Note: The verb in the clause connected by dokud has a perfective aspect and obligatory negation.
[arg_semantics: precedence-succession:succession; ordering: any; integration: first]
examples: V Bosně a Hercegovině se žilo v míru, dokud se část srbského vedení nerozhodla, že je to nutno změnit. [The life in Bosnia and Herzegovina was peaceful until part of the Serbian leadership decided that it was necessary to change it.] Dokud dům neopraví, musejí čekat v ubytovně. [Until the house is repaired, they have to wait in the hostel.] Navlékla bych si dvoje ponožky a hrála bych naboso, dokud by mi někdo nesehnal nějaké boty. [I would put on two pairs of socks and play barefoot until someone could get me some shoes.]
synchrony (v té době, kdy [at that time when], 20%; intra 100%; subordinating conjunction)
Note: The verb in the clause connected by dokud has mostly an imperfective aspect, only one specific type of verbs has a perfective aspect.
[arg_semantics: symmetric; ordering: any; integration: first]
complex_forms (12%): dokud ~ tak [as long as ~ so] (corr)
modifications (25%): včas dokud [in time till] (int) / tak dlouho dokud [so long till] (int)
examples: Dokud jsme hráli proti jedenácti, byl jsem spokojen, soupeře jsme nepustili do šance. [As long as we played against eleven, I was satisfied, we didn't let the opponent into chance.] Dokud mělo Aero Vodochody zahraniční zakázky, tak si nás tisk moc nevšímal, řekl LN Zdeněk Chalupník. [As long as Aero Vodochody had foreign contracts, the press did not pay much attention to us, Zdeněk Chalupník told LN.] Žádá v něm, aby rada s majetkem nadace nepodnikala nic, dokud neexistuje žádný její kontrolní orgán. [It asks the council to do nothing with the foundation's assets as long as there is no supervisory body.]
rare: purpose (aby [in order to], 2%; intra 100%; subordinating conjunction)
[arg_semantics: purpose:motivation; ordering: 2; integration: first]
examples: Raději včas, dokud se nenaplní úsloví "Na každého jednou dojde," které tak s oblibou používáme, někdy s přídechem škodolibosti, jindy s pohledem věštkyně Sibyly. [Rather in time, before the saying "It will catch up to everyone once" comes true, which we so much like to use, sometimes with a hint of malicious joy, sometimes with the look of the oracle of Sibyl.]
non-connective usages (9%)
conjunction (až do doby, kdy [until], 100%)
examples: Ale záměr Británie a USA vetovat nové žádosti o členství v OSN, dokud se Bělehrad nepodřídí rezolucím Spojených národů, vyžaduje pečlivější úvahu. [But Britain's and the US's intention to veto new UN membership applications until Belgrade complies with United Nations resolutions requires more careful consideration.]