naopak [on the contrary] (primary, single; count: 239)
connective usages (79%; intra 30%)
confrontation (na druhou stranu, zase [on the contrary], 90%; intra 27%; adverb)
[arg_semantics: symmetric; ordering: 2; integration: any]
complex_forms (12%): naopak však [on the contrary however] (disc) / a naopak [and on the contrary] (disc) / kdežto naopak [while on the contrary] (disc) / však naopak [however on the contrary] (disc) / zatímco naopak [while on the contrary] (disc) / ale naopak [but on the contrary] (disc) / zároveň naopak [and in turn] (corr; is rare) / zase naopak [but then again]
examples: Prozatím jsou některé byty nedotápěny, jiné jsou naopak přetápěny. [For now, some apartments are underheated, on the contrary, others are overheated.] Písmeno g je v českém pravopise velmi vzácné, ale hláska g naopak velmi častá. [The letter g is very rare in Czech orthography, but, on the contary, the speech sound g is very common.] Vsadil- li někdo na růstový fond, neměl by očekávat okamžitý výnos. Naopak u dividendového fondu je naděje na pravidelný příjem. [If someone bets on a growth fund, they should not expect an immediate return. On the contrary, with a dividend fund, there is hope of a regular income.]
correction (ale, nýbrž [on the contrary], 8%; intra 47%; adverb)
Note: mostly with negation in the left argument and "naopak" in the right argument
[arg_semantics: correction:correction; ordering: 2; integration: any]
complex_forms (53%): #neg naopak [#neg on the contrary] (corr; Typically correlative, but sometimes also in one argument (then continuous)) / a naopak [and on the contrary] (disc) / #neg a naopak [#neg and on the contrary] (corr; Typically correlative, but sometimes also in one argument (then continuous)) / #neg ba naopak [#neg quite the contrary] (corr; Typically correlative, but sometimes also in one argument (then continuous)) / #neg ne naopak [#neg not on the contrary] (corr)
examples: Nyní klub finanční částku neskládá, naopak jde do obchodního rizika s ČMFS. [Now the club does not deposit the financial amount, on the contrary, it goes into business risk with ČMFS.] Za stavu 1: 0 jsme však neproměnili několik dobrých šancí a naopak jsme inkasovali. [At 1: 0, however, we did not change a few good chances and, on the contrary, we got a goal.] Ne že by si neporadil na hrbolech. Naopak, díky nezávislému zavěšení kol a kvalitnímu podvozku je komfort jízdy opravdu vysoký. [Not that he couldn't handle bumps. On the contrary, thanks to the independent wheel suspension and high-quality chassis, driving comfort is really high.]
!precedence-succession (1%; intra 100%; adverb)
[ordering: 2]
complex_forms (100%): a naopak vzápětí
examples: Nováček své podání nedal a naopak vzápětí vzal servis Argentinci. [Nováček did not give his submission and, on the contrary, immediately took the service from the Argentines.]
!disjunctive alternative (nebo na druhou stranu [on the contrary], 1%; intra 100%; adverb)
[arg_semantics: symmetric; ordering: 2]
complex_forms (100%): nebo naopak [or on the contrary] (disc)
examples: [Myslím, že ke Klausově vizi se budeme vracet. Jako ke každé vizi. ] Čas ji vyvrátí, nebonaopak přiřkne lepší dimenze, než deníky tento týden. [[I think we will return to Klaus's vision. As with any vision. ] Time refutes it, or, on the contrary, gives it a better dimension than this week's dailies.]
!gradation (1%; intra 100%; adverb)
[ordering: 2]
complex_forms (100%): nejen ale naopak [not only not but on the contrary]
examples: Vědomé Havlovo hledání role intelektuála v prostoru poskytnutém rolí prezidenta a naplnění role prezidenta v prostoru role intelektuála jej nejen nediskvalifikuje, ale naopak v obou rolích kvalifikuje v nejlepších demokratických tradicích. [Havel's conscious search for the role of intellectual in the space provided by the role of president and the fulfillment of the role of president in the space of the role of intellectual not only does not disqualify him, but it on the contrary qualifies him in both roles in the best democratic traditions.]
non-connective usages (21%)
adverb (opačně [the other way around], 100%)
examples: Poptávka po těchto výrobcích v roce 1992 rapidně klesala. Od vzniku společnosti Ostroj - Hansen & Reinders v roce 1993 je tomu naopak. [Demand for these products declined rapidly in 1992. Since the establishment of Ostroj - Hansen & Reinders in 1993, the opposite has been true.] Na Spartě jsme hráli krásný hokej, a prohráli jsme. V Jihlavě tomu bylo přesně naopak. [We played beautiful hockey on Sparta, and we lost. In Jihlava, it was exactly the other way around.]