aby [(in order) to] (primary, single; count: 437)

Note: inflected variants according to person and numerus (conditional morpheme "by" + verbal suffixes "-ch", "-s", "-chom", "-ste")

variants: abyste [in order that you (plural)] / abychom [in order that we] / abych [in order that I]
connective usages (100%; intra 100%)
purpose (za účelem [(in order) to], 94%; intra 100%; subordinating conjunction)
[arg_semantics: purpose:motivation; ordering: any; integration: first]
complex_forms (21%): proto aby [(in order) to] (corr; lit. therefore, in order that (he/she/it/they)) / proto aby aby [therefore to to] (corr; and multiple - two "aby" clauses) / pro to abych [in order that I] (corr) / od toho aby [to, for] (corr) / k tomu aby [to, for] (corr) / proto abyste [in order that you (pl.)] (corr; lit. therefore, in order that you) / pro to aby [in order that] (corr) / na to aby [for, to] (corr; lit. for that, to) / k tomu abychom [for, to] (corr; lit. for this, in order that we) / aby tak [in order that.. so] (corr) / k tomu abyste [in order that you (pl.)] (corr) / proto abychom [in order that we] (corr; lit. therefore, so we) / - aby [- in order to] (cont) / proto aby aby proto aby [in order that] (corr; multiple dependent clauses) / na to abych [in order that I] (corr; lit. on that, in order that I) / na to abyste [in order that you] (corr; lit. on that, in order that you (pl.)) / tak aby / s tím aby [with the purpose that] (corr; lit. with that to) / aby aby [to to] (mult)
examples: Aby se premiérovy návrhy a záměry mohly začít uvádět v život, bude zapotřebí jejich schválení v ruském parlamentu. [In order for the Prime Minister's proposals and intentions to begin to be brought to life, they will need to be approved by the Russian Parliament.] Čísla neuvádíme, aby nám ostatní nezáviděli. [We do not state the numbers, to not make the others jealous.] Pak přicházejí sem, aby se tetováže zbavili. [Then they come here to get rid of the tattoos.]
reason-result (než aby; na to, aby; neg + aby [(in order) to, that], 4%; intra 100%; subordinating conjunction)
Note: two typical meanings: 1. dependent clause expressing concern, apprehension (negation in governing clause), 2. dependent clause expressing extent and result e.g. "too slow to win"
[arg_semantics: reason-result:result; ordering: any; integration: first]
complex_forms (26%): na to aby [too... to] (corr; extent + result) / k tomu aby [too... to] (corr; extent + result, lit. for that, in order to) / na to abych [too... so that I] (corr; extent + result)
examples: A poněkud humorným dojmem nyní působí poslanci vládní koalice, kteří se třesou, aby opozice nezačala protestovat proti poklusovým termínům projednávání novely. [And a somewhat humorous impression is now being made by members of the government coalition, who are trembling with fear that the opposition starts to protest against the hasty deadlines for discussing the amendment.] Je jasné, že ruský kapitál je zatím slabý na to, aby mohl v brzké době financovat rychlý hospodářský vzestup země. [It is clear that Russian capital is still weak to finance the rapid economic upturn in the near future.] Jsem příliš mladý na to, abych žil se založenýma rukama. [I'm too young to live with folded hands.]
rare: conjunction (- [in order to], 1%; intra 80%; subordinating conjunction)
Note: pragmatic, metaphoric use
[arg_semantics: symmetric; ordering: any; integration: first]
complex_forms (20%): : aby [: in order to] (cont)
examples: Nikdy jsem neviděl fanatika se smyslem pro humor, ani člověka, který neztratil smysl pro humor, aby se stal fanatikem. [I have never seen a fanatic with a sense of humor, nor a man who has lost the sense of humor to become a fanatic.] Jde o to, aby se z problémku nestal problém. Aby dítě neskončilo v nějaké partě, doplňuje Jarmila Knightová, pracovnice nadace Naše dítě. [The point is not to let a little problem become a problem. To not let a child end up in some gang, adds Jarmila Knight, a worker of Our Child Foundation.]
rare: precedence-succession (- [in order to, so that], 1%; intra 100%; subordinating conjunction)
Note: pragmatic use: false purpose clause; temporal meaning with additional contrast between the rhemes
[arg_semantics: precedence-succession:succession; ordering: any; integration: first]
complex_forms (75%): aby pokračovala [in order to continue] (disc) / aby posléze [in order to later] (disc) / aby nakonec [in order to finally] (disc)
examples: Českou republiku opustí zítra, aby pokračovala do Rakouska, Moldávie a Zakavkazska a do Moskvy. [He is leaving the Czech Republic tomorrow, to continue to Austria, Moldova and the Transcaucasus, and to Moscow.] Patří sem zejména cyklické vlny nejrůznějších afér, které vzplanou jasným žárem, aby o několik dní později stejně rychle zhasly. [These include, in particular, cyclical waves of all sorts of affairs that flare up with bright passion to fade out quickly a few days later anyway.] Bude se snažit rekonstruovat jejich portréty na základě biblických a midrašických textů, aby je posléze přesadil do přítomnosti. [He will try to reconstruct their portraits on the basis of Biblical and Midrassic texts to eventually translate them into the present.]
non-connective usages (N/A)