title = {Kombinovan{\'{e}} statisticko-pravidlov{\'{e}} metody zna{\v{c}}kov{\'{a}}n{\'{i}} {\v{c}}e{\v{s}}tiny},
author = {{Drahom{\'{i}}ra "johanka"} Spoustov{\'{a}}},
year = {2007},
school = {{UK} {MFF}, Prague},
address = {Malostransk{\'{e}} n{\'{a}}m{\v{e}}st{\'{i}} 25, 118 00 Praha 1},
title = {{The Best of Two Worlds: Cooperation of Statistical and Rule-Based Taggers for Czech}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Balto-Slavonic Natural Language Processing 2007},
author = {{Drahom{\'{i}}ra "johanka"} Spoustov{\'{a}} and Jan Haji{\v{c}} and Jan Votrubec and Pavel Krbec and Pavel Kv{\v{e}}to{\v{n}}},
month = {June},
year = {2007},
publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
address = {Prague, Czech Republic},
pages = {67--74},
author = {{Drahom\'ira "johanka"} Spoustov\'a},
title = {Combining Statistical and Rule-Based Approaches to Morphological Tagging of Czech Texts},
journal = {The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics},
volume = {89},
year = {2008}
pages = {23--40},
author = {{Drahom\'{i}ra "johanka"} Spoustov\'{a} and Pavel Pecina and Jan Haji\v{c} and Miroslav Spousta},
title = {{Validating the Quality of Full Morphological Annotation}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)},
year = {2008},
organization = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
address = {Marrakech, Morocco},
month = {May },
date = {28-30},
language = {english}
@techreport {HanaZemanTR2005,
Author = "{Ji\v{r}\'{\i} Hana, Daniel Zeman, Jan Haji\v{c}, Hana Hanov\'{a}, Barbora Hladk\'{a}, Emil Je\v{r}\'{a}bek}}"
Title = "{Manual for Morphological Annotation PDT}"
EnglishTitle = "{Manual for Morphological Annotation PDT}"
BookTitle = {{\'U}FAL Technical Report}
Number = {27}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Institution = {Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2005}
@book {HajicHAB2004,
Author = {Jan Haji{\v{c}}}
Title = "{Disambiguation of Rich Inflection (Computational Morphology of Czech)}"
EnglishTitle = "{Disambiguation of Rich Inflection (Computational Morphology of Czech)}"
BookTitle = {}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {Karolinum, Charles Univeristy Press, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2004}
@inProceedings {HajicNAACL2000,
Author = {Jan Haji{\v{c}}}
Title = "{Morphological Tagging: Data vs. Dictionaries}"
EnglishTitle = "{Morphological Tagging: Data vs. Dictionaries}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Applied Natural Language Processing and the 1st NAACL Conference}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {94--101}
Publisher = {}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {Seattle, Washington}
Year = {2000}
@inProceedings {HajicKrbecAlACL2001,
Author = {Jan Haji{\v{c}} and Pavel Krbec and Karel Oliva and Pavel Kv{\v{e}}to{\v{n}} and Vladim{\'i}r Petkevi{\v{c}}}
Title = "{Serial Combination of Rules and Statistics: A Case Study in Czech Tagging}"
EnglishTitle = "{Serial Combination of Rules and Statistics: A Case Study in Czech Tagging}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 39th Association of Computational Linguistics Conference}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {Toulouse, France}
Year = {2001}
@inProceedings {HajicKubon2003,
Author = {Jan Haji{\v{c}} and Vladislav Kubo{\v{n}}}
Title = "{Tagging as a Key to Successful MT}"
EnglishTitle = "{Tagging as a Key to Successful MT}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the MIS}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {56--65}
Publisher = {MATFYZPRESS, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {D. Obdrž{\'a}lek, J. Teskov{\'a}}
PubAddress = {Praha}
Year = {2003}
@article {HajicHladkaSaS1997,
Author = {Jan Haji{\v{c}} and Barbora Vidov{\'a}-Hladk{\'a}}
Title = "{Morfologick{\'e} zna{\v{c}}kov{\'a}n{\'i} korpusu {\v{c}}esk{\'y}ch text{\r{u}} stochastickou metodou}"
EnglishTitle = "{}"
BookTitle = {Slovo a slovesnost}
Number = {58}
Volume = {4}
Pages = {288--304}
Publisher = {Czech Academy of Science, Prague}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {1997}
@inProceedings {HajicHladkaANLP1997,
Author = {Jan Haji{\v{c}} and Barbora Vidov{\'a}-Hladk{\'a}}
Title = "{Probabilistic and Rule-Based Tagger of an Inflective Language - a Comparison}"
EnglishTitle = "{Probabilistic and Rule-Based Tagger of an Inflective Language - a Comparison}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {111--118}
Publisher = {Washington DC, USA}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {1997}
@inProceedings {HajicHladkaLREC1998,
Author = {Jan Haji{\v{c}} and Barbora Vidov{\'a}-Hladk{\'a}}
Title = "{Czech Language Processing – PoS Tagging}"
EnglishTitle = "{Czech Language Processing – PoS Tagging}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {931--936}
Publisher = {}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {Granada, Spain}
Year = {1998}
@inProceedings {HajicHladkaCOLING1998,
Author = {Jan Haji{\v{c}} and Barbora Vidov{\'a}-Hladk{\'a}}
Title = "{Tagging Inflective Languages: Prediction of Morphological Categories for a Rich, Structured Tagset}"
EnglishTitle = "{Tagging Inflective Languages: Prediction of Morphological Categories for a Rich, Structured Tagset}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the COLING - ACL Conference}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {483--490}
Publisher = {}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {Montreal, Canada}
Year = {1998}
@inProceedings {KvetonOliva2002,
Author = {Pavel Kv{\v{e}}to{\v{n}} and Karel Oliva}
Title = "{(Semi-)Automatic Detection of Errors in PoS-Tagged Corpora}"
EnglishTitle = "{(Semi-)Automatic Detection of Errors in PoS-Tagged Corpora}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {509--515}
Publisher = {}
Editors = {S.-Ch. Tseng}
PubAddress = {Taipei, Taiwan}
Year = {2002}
@inProceedings {OlivaKvetonTSD2002,
Author = {Karel Oliva and Pavel Kv{\v{e}}to{\v{n}}}
Title = "{Achieving an Almost Correct PoS-Tagged Corpus}"
EnglishTitle = "{Achieving an Almost Correct PoS-Tagged Corpus}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue}
Number = {}
Volume = {2448}
Pages = {19--26}
Publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York}
Editors = {P. Sojka, I. Kope{\v{c}}ek, K. Pala}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2002}
@article {OlivaKvetonPBML2002,
Author = {Karel Oliva and Pavel Kv{\v{e}}to{\v{n}}}
Title = "{Linguistically Motivated Bigrams in Part-of-Speech Tagging of Language Corpora}"
EnglishTitle = "{Linguistically Motivated Bigrams in Part-of-Speech Tagging of Language Corpora}"
BookTitle = {Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics}
Number = {78}
Volume = {}
Pages = {23--36}
Publisher = {MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {Prague}
Year = {2002}
@inProceedings {OlivaKvetonOndruskaTSD2003,
Author = {Karel Oliva and Pavel Kv{\v{e}}to{\v{n}} and Roman Ondru{\v{s}}ka}
Title = "{The Computational Complexity of Rule-Based Part-of-Speech Tagging}"
EnglishTitle = "{The Computational Complexity of Rule-Based Part-of-Speech Tagging}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {82--89}
Publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York}
Editors = {V. Matou{\v{s}}ek, P. Mautner}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2003}
@inProceedings {OlivaKvetonAlTSD2000,
Author = {Karel Oliva and Pavel Kv{\v{e}}to{\v{n}} and Vladim{\'i}r Petkevi{\v{c}} and Milena Hn{\'a}tkov{\'a}}
Title = "{The Linguistic Basis of a Rule-Based Tagger of Czech}"
EnglishTitle = "{The Linguistics Basis of a Rule-Based Tagger of Czech}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {3--8}
Publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York}
Editors = {P. Sojka, I. Kope{\v{c}}ek, K. Pala}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2000}
@masterthesis {MirovskyMSC1998,
Author = {Jir{\'i} M{\'i}rovsk{\'y}}
Title = "{Morphological Annotation of Text: Automatic Disambiguation}"
EnglishTitle = "{Morphological Annotation of Text: Automatic Disambiguation}"
BookTitle = {MSc thesis}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {1998}
@phdthesis {HladkaPHD2000,
Author = {Barbora Vidov{\'a}-Hladk{\'a}}
Title = "{Czech Language Tagging}"
EnglishTitle = "{Czech Language Tagging}"
BookTitle = {PhD thesis}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {{\'U}FAL MFF UK}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2000}
@inProceedings {HladkaLREC2000,
Author = {Barbora Vidov{\'a}-Hladk{\'a}}
Title = "{The Context (not only) for Human}"
EnglishTitle = "{The Context (not only) for Human}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {1113--1116}
Publisher = {}
Editors = {M. Gavrilidou, G. Carayannis, S. Markantonatou, S. Piperidis, G. Stainhaouer}
PubAddress = {Athens, Greece}
Year = {2000}
@masterthesis {HladkaMSC1994,
Author = {Barbora Vidov{\'a}-Hladk{\'a}}
Title = "{Software Tools for Large Czech Corpora Annotation}"
EnglishTitle = "{Software Tools for Large Czech Corpora Annotation}"
BookTitle = {MSc thesis}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {1994}
@inCollection {HladkaRibarov1998,
Author = {Barbora Vidov{\'a}-Hladk{\'a} and Kiril Ribarov}
Title = "{PoS tags for automatic tagging and syntactic structures}"
EnglishTitle = "{PoS tags for automatic tagging and syntactic structures}"
BookTitle = {Issues of Valency and Meaning. Studies in Honour of Jarmila Panevov{\'a}}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {226--240}
Publisher = {Karolinum, Charles University Press, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {E. Haji{\v{c}}ov{\'a}}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {1998}
@masterthesis {VotrubecMSC2005,
Author = {Jan Votrubec}
Title"{Volba vhodn\'{e} sady rys{\r{u}} pro morfologick\'{e} zna\v{c}kov\'{a}ni\'{\i} \v{c}e\v{s}tiny}"
EnglishTitle = "{}"
BookTitle = {MSc thesis}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2005}