Language Technologies for Research in Humanities

NPFL131 / ATKL00349

Pavel Straňák

Friday 12:30–14:00
Palachovo nám. 2, room C131

24. 2. – 3. 3. 2023

Remote work on a unix server

Downloading from a web and opnening a zip file in commandline

If you are working on a remote server, you may just have the comand line. But it is all you need 😎

Stream EDitor – sed perl

sort, uniq, occurrences

The | “pipe” character takes the standard output (STDOUT) of one command and “pipes” it to the standard input (STDIN) of another command. You can chain commands like this almost indefinitely.

Count word forms

Why is this solution not good enough?

Segmentation does not solve interpunction. Can you improve it? (you only need the information from this class)
