Homework 03

Download the data. The zip file contains a part of PDT annotated up to the tectogrammatical layer (t-layer), namely directory train-1 with t-files (tectogrammatical layer), a-files (analytical layer), m-files (morphological layer) and w-files (word layer).

Write a btred script that searches for a-nodes (nodes on the analytical layer) that are not referred to from the tectogrammatical layer (i.e. from any t-node).
Using the system of hooks in the btred script, compute and print a (sorted) distribution list of analytical functions (attribute afun) of these a-nodes.
As a result of the homework, submit both the script and the resulting distribution.

Before delivering the homework, make sure that the distribution starts with these lines:

  4113 AuxK
  3733 AuxX
and ends with these lines:
    11 Apos
     1 Adv
(The leading spaces do not matter.)
