Generated documentation for conll2009/contrib.mac



Conll2009 - annotation context for Conll2009 ST data



This file provides the basic annotation context for for predicate-argument annotation on files with conll2009 PML schema.



The stylesheet visualizes predicate-argument pairs as arcs from the predicate to the argument; in the data representation, the arc is a structure with attributes 'label' and 'target.rf' stored in the 'apreds' attribute of the argument node (the 'apreds' attribute is of the list type).

Annotation with mouse

Shift+click to mark a node as a predicate, then Ctrl+click on argument nodes and assign their labels.

The procedure of removing an argument is the same as adding one: to remove an argument (arc), mark the predicate and Ctrl+click on the argument.

Ctrl+double-click on arc to edit its label.

Note: if there is no mark, the argument and predicate are assumed to be the same node

Annotation with keyboard

Press space to mark a node.

Press f to make a new arc from the marked node (predicate) to the current node (argument).

Press t to make a new arc from the current node (predicate) to the marked node (argument).

Press r to (select and) remove arcs leading to the current node (argument).

Press p to edit the 'pred' attribute on the current node

