TrEd Extensions

Please note that this list is only a preview. You can download and install extensions directly from TrEd application.

Core Extensions

Penn Arabic Treebank (arabic_treebank 1.24)
package icon This package contains basic support for working with the Penn Arabic Treebank in TrEd. It consists of an input backend which converts the AG-XML+SGML input to PML and a stylesheets for visualization of the resulting PML in TrEd.
Size: 22 kB package / 84.2 kB installed
Bridging Anaphora and Textual Coreference Annotation (bridging 1.94)
package icon Provides an annotation mode for the annotation of the bridging anaphora and the extended textual coreference in PDT.
Size: 41.2 kB package / 132.2 kB installed
Czech Academic Corpus Annotation (cac 1.31)
package icon Provides annotation mode for the Czech Academic Corpus project.
Size: 15.5 kB package / 74 kB installed
CoNLL 2009 Shared Task (conll2009 1.39)
package icon This package contains a stylesheet for visualization of CoNLL-2009-ST data in TrEd, scripts (for Linux and similar systems) for converting from the CoNLL-2009-ST format to PML, and a TrEd annotation mode for predicate-argument annotation.
Size: 38.6 kB package / 117.1 kB installed
Czech Legal Text Treebank 2.0 (cltt 2.00)
package icon Provides new features, macros and attributes for annotation of the Czech legal texts.
Size: 21.5 kB package / 74 kB installed
Czengvallex: PDT-Vallex and EngValLex alignment (czengvallex 1.30)
package icon Provides annotation mode for vallency frames alignment between PDT-Vallex and EngValLex.
Size: 2.6 MB package / 31.7 MB installed
Simple Czech Tectogrammatical Parser (cz_t_analysis 1.33)
package icon Provides a simple TectoMT-based Czech analyzer that produces tectogrammatical, analytical and morphological layers for a given Czech sentence.
Size: 10.5 kB package / 47.7 kB installed
Discourse Annotation (discourse 1.157)
package icon Provides an annotation mode for the annotation of discourse relations in PDT
Size: 113.4 kB package / 164.7 kB installed
Drawing ad-hoc trees (draw 1.22)
package icon Provides a simple context in which node visualization can be freely manipulated by setting attributes of the nodes.
Size: 1.6 kB package / 14.3 kB installed
ElixirFM Lexicon (elixir
package icon Editing, browsing, and processing of the ElixirFM lexicon.
Size: 2 MB package / 24.1 MB installed
Create a file-list by filtering text file columns (filelist_filter 1.9)
package icon Add a function Macros->TredMacro->File-list Filter (F10) that can be used to create a file list by filtering an input text file (e.g. a PML-TQ query result) consisting of one or more TAB-separated columns the last of which is a filename, URL, or a node address. The selection is then based on the values in the other columns.
Size: 73.3 kB package / 122.3 kB installed
Hyderabad Dependency Treebank (hydt 1.54)
package icon This package contains a conversion script for the original .morph format of the Hyderabad Dependency Treebank (HyDT) to PML and for the CoNLL representation to PML with detransliteration of form and lemma and provides a stylesheets for visualization of the resulting PML in TrEd. Works both for ICON2009 and ICON2010 versions of the data.
Size: 29.9 kB package / 105 kB installed
INTLIB Annotation (intlib 1.00)
package icon Provides new features, macros and attributes for annotation of the Czech legal texts.
Size: 16.8 kB package / 71.5 kB installed
Non-Dependency Relations Annotation - common features (nondeprel_common 1.95)
package icon This is a supporting extension for other extensions for the annotation of non-dependency relations in PDT (bridging, discourse). It does not provide any functionality on itself.
Size: 33.5 kB package / 130.7 kB installed
Prague Arabic Dependency Treebank (padt 1.68)
package icon Various annotation modes for Prague Arabic Dependency Treebank.
Size: 146.3 kB package / 569.6 kB installed
Extension for parallel treebank alignment (parallel 1.8)
package icon Provides schema, annotation mode, and PML-TQ extensions for node-to-node stand-off parallel treebank alignment.
Size: 50.7 kB package / 677.6 kB installed
Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank (pcedt )
package icon Provides main annotation mode for the Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank.
Size: 2.6 kB package / 16.6 kB installed
Prague Discourse Treebank 2.0 (pdit20 1.5)
package icon Provides support for PDiT 2.0 files
Size: 1.6 MB package / 23.2 MB installed
Prague Discourse Treebank 3.0 (pdit30 1.0)
package icon Provides support for Prague Discourse Treebank 3.0 (PDiT 3.0) files
Size: 42.7 kB package / 23.2 MB installed
Old-style PDT 1.0 Annotation (pdt10 1.25)
package icon Provides annotation mode for PDT 1.0 analytical layer in FS/CSTS format.
Size: 34.3 kB package / 172.3 kB installed
Pre-PDT 2.0 Tectogrammatical Annotation (OBSOLETE) (pdt15_obsolete 1.24)
package icon Provides original macros used for tectogrammatical annotation over PDT 1.0 (used before PDT 2.0 introduced new PML-based system of annotation layers).
Size: 136.3 kB package / 549.2 kB installed
Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0 Annotation (pdt20 1.60)
package icon Provides complete support for viewing and editing annotations of PDT 2.0 or similar data (analytical and tectogrammatical layer).
Size: 89.4 kB package / 640 kB installed
Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0 Sample Data (pdt20_sample 1.28)
package icon Contains 10 a-layer and 10 t-layer sample files from PDT 2.0 and adds corresponding file list items to the Session menu.
Size: 546.4 kB package / 585.9 kB installed
Prague Dependency Treebank 2.5 (pdt25 1.0)
package icon Provides support for viewing the PDT 2.5 data
Size: 28.7 kB package / 94 kB installed
Prague Dependency Treebank 3.0 (pdt30 1.23)
package icon Provides support for PDT 3.0 files
Size: 1.5 MB package / 23.2 MB installed
Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5 (pdt35 1.2)
package icon Provides support for PDT 3.5 files
Size: 1.6 MB package / 23.2 MB installed
Prague Dependency Treebank - Consolidated 1.0 (pdtc10 1.25)
package icon Provides support for Prague Dependency Treebank - Consolidated 1.0 (PDT-C 1.0) files.
Size: 1.4 MB package / 21.9 MB installed
Automatically Assign Analytical Functions (pdt_auto_afun 1.20)
package icon Provides a macros that attempt to assign automatically analytical functions to analytical nodes (PDT 1.0 or PDT 2.0 a-layer), based on morphological information and tree structure (Czech only).
Size: 49.9 kB package / 672.9 kB installed
PDT-ValLex Editor (pdt_vallex 1.66)
package icon Provides GUI interface for TrEd to the Czech valency lexicon PDT-ValLex with browse, search, edit and annotate capabilities.
Size: 887.6 kB package / 14.9 MB installed
Prague English Treebank Annotation (pedt 1.178)
package icon Provides annotation mode for the Prague English Treebank and GUI for the PEDT valency lexicon.
Size: 6.4 MB package / 21.7 MB installed
PEDT Response Type Annotation (pedt_response_type 1.27)
package icon Provides a mode for annotation of response type over tectogrammatical layer of PEDT.
Size: 3.8 kB package / 20.7 kB installed
Simple PML Diff (pml_diff 0.3)
package icon This package provides the basic visual diffing interface. It works only on simple annotation schemas where the relation of tokens to nodes is 1:1.
Size: 4.9 kB package / 26.7 kB installed
Display and Edit PML Schemas as Trees in TrEd (pml_schema_tree 1.11)
package icon With this extension it is possible to display and edit PML schemas in TrEd as trees.
Size: 2.7 kB package / 17.9 kB installed
PML Tree Query Interface for TrEd (pmltq 2.15)
package icon Provides graphical interface for PML-TQ, which is a system for querying over treebanks or local files with a powerful query language.
Size: 988.7 kB package / 1.9 MB installed
Penn Treebank (ptb 1.40)
package icon This package contains a conversion script for Penn Treebank merged data format to PML and a stylesheets for visualization of the resulting PML in TrEd.
Size: 39.7 kB package / 88.4 kB installed
Remote Control for TrEd (remote_control 1.20)
package icon This extension provides a macro that can can connect to a remote server and process asynchronously commands (Perl one-liners) sent by the server. It can be used for example to provide a simple voice control.
Size: 5.1 kB package / 21.9 kB installed
Slovene Dependency Treebank Annotation (sdt 1.21)
package icon Provides an annotation mode for syntactical dependency annotaiton of Slovene corpus in the style of PDT 1.0. The package contains also a simple rule-based Slovene parser.
Size: 6.7 kB package / 33.4 kB installed
Highlight Valency in PDT Trees (show_valency 1.23)
package icon PDT 2.0-specific mode derived from PML_T_View. It highlights obligatory nodes according to assigned valency frames.
Size: 3.2 kB package / 17.4 kB installed
Sinica Treebank (sinica 1.32)
package icon This package contains a conversion script for the Sinica Treebank 3.0 format to PML and provides a stylesheets for visualization of the resulting PML in TrEd.
Size: 7 kB package / 36.6 kB installed
TectoMT base for TrEd applications (tectomt 1.31)
package icon Provides basic libraries for TectoMT-based applications for the TrEd environment.
Size: 6.1 MB package / 10.3 MB installed
TIGER Corpus (tiger 1.33)
package icon This package contains a conversion script for TIGER Corpus XML format to PML and back, and a stylesheets for visualization of the resulting PML in TrEd.
Size: 35.5 kB package / 101.2 kB installed

External Extensions

Copenhagen Dependency Treebank Annotation Mode (cdt 1.0.0)
package icon Mode for annotation of Copenhagen Dependency Treebank and similar data developed at the Department of International Language Studies and Computational Linguistics at the Copenhagen Business School.
Size: 3.4 kB package / 21.5 kB installed
Lexicon of Czech Discourse Connectives (czedlex 1.63)
package icon Provides support for CzeDLex, the Lexicon of Czech Discourse Connectives
Size: 31.2 kB package / 23.2 MB installed
EasyTreex - browse and edit Treex files (*.treex, *.treex.gz, *.streex) (easytreex 1.3.12584)
package icon EasyTreex extension serves for viewing and/or annotating syntactic trees created within the Treex framework. Unlike the original Treex extension, EasyTreex can be easily installed via the TrEd extension management system. In fact, the original Treex extension is distributed in the Treex-Core CPAN distribution, and EasyTreex is only a thin shell which ensures that Treex-Core is installed.
Size: 80.2 kB package / 326 kB installed
Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank - Coreference Annotation (pcedt-coref 1.23)
package icon Provides additional support for annotation of coreference in PCEDT or similar data (analytical and tectogrammatical layer). WARNING: Only for annotators! Disables some powerful functions of TrEd. You have been warned.
Size: 9 kB package / 37.2 kB installed
Penn Discourse Treebank 2 (pdtb2 1.32)
package icon Provides a mode for opening Penn Discourse Treebank 2 files (imported into PTB and transformed to PML) in TrEd; in development!
Size: 132.5 kB package / 517.9 kB installed
Penn Discourse Treebank 3 (pdtb3 1.4)
package icon A mode for transforming the Penn Treebank to the PML and for merging the Penn Discourse Treebank 3 annotation into the PTB trees; conversion scripts are included; in development!
Size: 91.8 kB package / 517.9 kB installed
PDT-C Morphology Annotation (pdt_c_m 1.32)
package icon Support for morphological, analytical, and tectogrammatical annotation of PDT-C files.
Size: 1.5 MB package / 23.2 MB installed
Display st-data in the tectogrammatical trees (pdt_t_st 0.8)
package icon Allows to open PML "*.st" files and display the multiword expressions annotated therein as node groups in tectogrammatical trees.
Size: 14.9 kB package / 69.5 kB installed
Play the Language (playlang 1.13)
package icon Provides a mode for viewing data from the project Play the Language
Size: 17.9 kB package / 33.4 kB installed
RST (rst 1.10)
package icon Provides a mode for opening RST files transformed to PML in TrEd; in development!
Size: 15.3 kB package / 46.6 kB installed
Swedish Treebank (talbanken 1.00)
package icon TrEd extension for Swedish Treebank.
Size: 45.2 kB package / 88.4 kB installed
TMT files support. (tmt 0.32)
package icon Extension provides ability to open and display *.tmt files.
Size: 28.4 kB package / 105.5 kB installed
TrEd Extension to Work with Universal Dependencies (ud 0.26)
package icon Makes it possible to view and edit UD files.
Size: 12.2 kB package / 64.9 kB installed
Wall Street Journal PML Annotation (wsj-anot 3.26)
package icon Provides additional support for annotation of PCEDT or similar data (analytical and tectogrammatical layer). WARNING: Only for annotators! Disables some powerful functions of TrEd. You have been warned.
Size: 1.2 MB package / 19 MB installed