forge-goldrs2: 50 1 13 10 1 11 4 2 1 2.a 1 3 6 3.a 1 3.f 1 5 2 6 2 7 9 7.c 1 8.s 1 9 7 #811052 [1] Although both General Motors and Ford would like to a liason with Jaguar , that interest does not translate automatically into a 28 per cent increase in the share price in a week . #2824801 [2] Hartwell devoted his brilliant mind and untiring energy in those years after the second world war to links between Christians in his adopted country and that of his birth . #3057953 [8.s] The Americans ahead not only because they could deploy greater resources , but also because they were more ruthless in seeking out key German experts during the chaos of the German surrender , and in persuading them to work for them in the United States . #3269254 [7] Thus the show establishes an unlikely moral continuum between a ` fur-bearing trout ' , cobbled together by an anonymous naturalist in Victorian Canada , and the Zinoviev Letter , by a White Russian cell in 1924 with the ( successful ) intention of queering the Labour party 's pitch in the general election of that year . #3477953 [9] Representatives of one , the Virginia Military Institute , argued in court earlier this month that admitting women would destroy the school 's camaraderie , through rigorous physical and psychological training in an atmosphere totally without privacy . #3995714 [9] The government feared that the Triple Alliance , between the Miners ' Federation of Great Britain , the National Union of Railwaymen ( NUR ) and the National Transport Workers ( NTW ) at the beginning of the war , whereby each union offered sympathetic strike support under certain circumstances , might be used to widen the dispute . #4639230 [7] The Israeli contact , Al Schwimmer , offered to paint on a new registration and some new papers , but was politely turned down . #4802249 [10] Qaddafi says that nations are likely to have a greater proportion of written members than tribes generally do ( III , ` Merits of the tribe ' , ` The nation ' ) ; and he says that shared experience can a common solidarity , a sense of belonging . #5188066 [1] Second , it can a ` pact ' with one or more of the other parties , which entitles them to be consulted over policy decisions but excludes them from holding ministerial posts . #9307685 [9] At this time too there are relationships to be with employers and co-workers and , since such a large part of life is spent at the workplace , the good or bad effects of such relationships are likely to affect the individual 's home life too . #9636273 [1] Concern had grown since 1776 , when a newly independent United States had an alliance with France . #11507082 [3.f] This is one more argument in favour of the general thesis of this chapter : that the trust justified its existence and its path in legal practice by the procedural advantages which it was able to offer . #11931423 [2.a] They at least are aware of the potential of relationships between the different levels and may be some co-operative links between them . #11993105 [1] Though taking up an interest for its own sake may also lead to new friends and a good social life , it can be helpful or necessary to join a club purely for emotional support or to fresh contacts . #13413154 [1] Now , Bob Schanefelt has ties with Du Pont and ICI #15819010 [5] He was exceedingly malicious and the gods had to restrain him with a magic chain , named Gleipnir , from : #16805563 [1] During the years that Diana consulted Penny , the two women a close bond . #17478209 [7] His Honour Judge Morrell did not rule on the bank 's main contention , which was that since a guarantee card guarantees cheques and a forged cheque is not in fact a cheque , the card is of no significance at all in a transaction if the signature on the cheque is , though this is obviously an alternative approach . #19779984 [3] Indeed , it would be hard to such an agreement given the tricky detail that Jones had already submitted an abstract of his talk to the APS , the wording of which appeared rather explicit to knowing eyes . #20212803 [6] That slag was at some times tapped during the period is shown by the debris at Shakenoak , which was accompanied by the day linings from four furnaces and hearths . #21277549 [1] Lowe wrote claiming that Sutton was trying to undermine him and an alliance with the Founders . #22027308 [3] In a sober introduction to the report a number of factors are adduced to explain the drop in earnings : the stagnation of many of the world 's economies ; ` the slow and painful process of a European union ' ; the poor results of the two major auction houses ; and the closure of a number of commercial galleries . #22374278 [11] Anti-papalism was also by now endemic , and a strong link had been in people 's minds between Protestantism and English nationalism . #22949899 [3.a] Yet it , too , was a registration of the triumph of European culture ; down to our own day the political life of the world has increasingly been debated in the terms by European history and in a European idiom . #24580285 [11] We are entering an exciting phase in which links are being between transduction events at the plasma membrane and the cell cycle proteins such as the cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases which contribute to the DNA-synthesis and maturation-promoting factors which operate at G1/S and G2/M respectively . #25793723 [7] This can be illustrated from a wide variety of cases : the uses of literacy for social control in nineteenth century Canada , for instance , where any ` critical ' element was carefully excluded ( Graff , 1979 ) ; the restriction of the content of written forms to religious tracts by the Methodist missionaries who introduced literacy to Fiji in the nineteenth century ( Clammer , 1976 ) ; the examples from British literacy campaigns that show how illiteracy developed in schools because of the class-based nature of schooling ( Mace , 1979 ) ; the uses of literacy for religious and symbolic purposes in Ghana ( Goody , 1968 ) ; the greater trust placed by thirteenth century knights in England on seals and symbols as means of legitimating charters and rights to land and their suspicion of the written document as more likely to be and inaccurate ( Clanchy , 1979 ) ; the development in Iranian villages of forms of literacy taught in Koranic schools into forms of literacy appropriate for commercial trading in a rapidly modernising and urbanising economy ( Section 2 ) . #25795698 [7] In medieval England what came under pressure were the conventions by which claims to land rights were legitimated ; while some sectors of society were attempting to make written records the prime guarantor of ` truth ' and legitimacy , others were suspicious that such records could easily be and preferred to put their faith in seals and in the oral testimony of ` twelve good men and true ' . #29010911 [7.c] Two of Elizabeth 's Attorneys , John Price and Thomas Atkins , were certainly guilty of abusing justice : Price those parts of a document that had been eaten by mice and Atkins took bribes from men charged before the Council . #29395072 [6] His successors learn to play and enjoy music -- also to iron and bronze . #30595162 [3] The mechanisms through which a cultural and institutional identity for English studies was established were within a wider social movement which developed between the 1880s and the 1920s . #31111817 [1] It was in trying to the necessary alliances and to equip the essential forces that Edward then came into conflict with the laity and the clergy at home . #31672268 [11] Given the link the Government has between the collection of data for the local tax and the registration of the very same individuals for the vote , the cost of non-payment will be the loss of the remaining political clout the underclass has with which to fight its way back into mainstream Britain . #32055154 [9] Further , some at least of the influential individuals in a community may operate outside the field of industrial relations : drawing on the work of Blauner ( 1960 ) , Bulmer suggests that the strong occupational communities characteristic of mining settlements occur because the social relations in the workplace are carried over into the arenas of non-work activity , creating overlapping primary group affiliations in which #32158512 [1] Moreover , in their anxiety to an alliance with the bourgeoisie and their blindness to the revolutionary potential of the peasantry , they were willing for the proletariat to accept a position of subordination to liberal bourgeois leadership . #33359592 [7] Mr. Steed 's defence served on 16 April 1987 pleaded that the transfer was . #36353899 [9] Practically , purity usually worked by alliances between sections of the evangelical middle-class , the petty-bourgeoisie and the respectable working-class against the aristocracy . #36357807 [11] In this connection between familial morality and the strength of the nation state , Hopkins was drawing on a long-established tradition of moral philosophy dating at least as far back as the late eighteenth century . #36916651 [9] Yet , paradoxically , the quality and character of the relationships which are between a school , its parents and its immediate community seem a much more appropriate focus for LEA policy than , say , the fine detail of classroom practice . #37522643 [3] Subjectivity and the need to a personal identity are aligned with an awareness of cultural context and an overriding ambition to achieve . #40210681 [1] Thus , the study concluded , on the one hand a number of the best practice companies relied on technology ( existing and new ) to generate a stream of new ideas , while on the other less successful companies could improve their position significantly by upgrading their technological competence , and by links with other companies and academia possibly with the help of government support schemes . #40320379 [5] It led to the birth of the jumper a slender iron rod with a chisel-end by the mine smiths . #42298029 [3] Through anger , self-confidence , love and eventual forgiveness a difficult happiness is , not just for Celie but for those whom she loves and those who have abused her . #43491638 [7] The matter is serious because if one inspects the photocopy of the letter one sees that he not only the heading but the ' Dear Dr. #44255586 [3] It aims to present an autobiography of an Aymara-speaking peasant community , by its men , women and specialist historians , who , as social actors , construct their historical and cultural identity through oral traditions of song and spoken memory , as well as through their knowledge and practical use of written texts . #44311354 [9] More specifically , the workshops aim to address issues such as the development and evaluation of new GIS products , new areas of application , the problems and benefits of partnerships with non-academics , the need for greater analytical techniques in GIS ( particularly spatial modelling ) and assessments of the market . #48532618 [1] After the bitterness had gone , they a new friendship , but the flames of romance were not rekindled . #50309280 [1] At Tehran , in November 1943 , Roosevelt did his best ( often at Churchill 's expense ) to a lasting bond with Stalin , a course which he continued to pursue ( with some reservations ) until his death in April 1945 . #53445108 [7] She had also accounts . #53804269 [1] Together with Scottish Innovation , which has co-ordinated the attendance of Scottish companies at the previous seven events , they aim to attract a number of Scottish companies interested in links with European partners at Lille . #54113721 [7] He did not realise when he his ` winning ' lines that the original had been photocopied .