Patterns for ally

Pattern / Implicature
1 [group: 1,3] see comment [[Event]^[Concept]^[Human 3]] ally [[Human 1]^[Institution 1]] [[{with | to} Human 2]^[{with | to} Institution 2]]
[[Event | Concept | Human 3]] causes [Human 1 | Institution 1]] to join forces {with [[Human 2 | Institution 2]]} for some purpose
2 [Human 1 | Institution 1] ally (Self) [{with | to} Human 2 | Institution 2]
[[Human 1 | Institution 1]] joins forces {with [[Human 2 | Institution 2]]} for some purpose
3 [group: 3,5] [passive] see comment [Eventuality 1|Abstract 1|Concept 1|Property 1|Artifact 1|Animal Group 1] be allied [{to | with} Eventuality 2 |Abstract 2|Concept 2|Property 2|Artifact 2|Animal Group 2]
[[Entity 1]] is connected conceptually with or is perceived as similar to [[Entity 2]]
4 [group: 1,2,4] allied * [{to} Human|Institution|Human Group] [{with} Human|Institution|Human Group]
joined with [Human|Institution|Human Group]
5 [group: 3,5] [reciprocity] [domain=biology] [Animal 1|Plant 1] allied * [{to} ]
biology. [Animal 1|Plant 1] is closely related to [Animal 2|Plant 2] in the classification system
6 [Vehicle Part 1| Building Part 1| Surface 1| Physical Object Part 1] ally * [{to|with} Vehicle Part 2| Building Part 2| Surface 2| Physical Object Part 2]
[Vehicle Part 1| Building Part 1| Surface 1|Physical Object Part 1] is mechanically attached to [Vehicle Part 2| Building Part 2| Surface 2|Physical Object Part 2]