Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (DepLing 2013)

Eva Hajičová (co-chair, editor)
Kim Gerdes (co-chair, editor)
Leo Wanner (co-chair, editor)

Full proceedings volume (PDF)
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Bibliography (BibTeX)
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pdf bib Front matter
pdf bib Invited talk: Dependency Structure and Cognition
Richard Hudson
pp. 1–11
pdf bib Invited talk: Dependency Representations, Grammars, Folded Structures, among Other Things!
Aravind K. Joshi
pp. 12–12
pdf bib Exploring Morphosyntactic Annotation over a Spanish Corpus for Dependency Parsing
Miguel Ballesteros, Simon Mille and Alicia Burga
pp. 13–22
pdf bib Towards Joint Morphological Analysis and Dependency Parsing of Turkish
Özlem Çetinoglu and Jonas Kuhn
pp. 23–32
pdf bib Divergences in English-Hindi Parallel Dependency Treebanks
Himani Chaudhry, Himanshu Sharma and Dipti Misra Sharma
pp. 33–40
pdf bib Dependency Network Syntax: From Dependency Treebanks to a Classification of Chinese Function Words
Xinying Chen
pp. 41–50
pdf bib Verb Cluster, Non-Projectivity, and Syntax-Topology Interface in Korean
Jihye Chun
pp. 51–59
pdf bib Rule-Based Extraction of English Verb Collocates from a Dependency-Parsed Corpus
Silvie Cinková, Martin Holub, Ema Krejčová and Lenka Smejkalová
pp. 60–67
pdf bib A Method to Generate Simplified Systemic Functional Parses from Dependency Parses
Eugeniu Costetchi
pp. 68–77
pdf bib Dependency Distance and Bilingual Language Use: Evidence from German/English and Chinese/English Data
Eva M. Duran Eppler
pp. 78–87
pdf bib Collaborative Dependency Annotation
Kim Gerdes
pp. 88–97
pdf bib Pragmatic Structures in Aymara
Petr Homola and Matt Coler
pp. 98–107
pdf bib Towards a Psycholinguistically Motivated Dependency Grammar for Hindi
Samar Husain, Rajesh Bhatt and Shravan Vasishth
pp. 108–117
pdf bib The Syntax of Hungarian Auxiliaries: A Dependency Grammar Account
András Imrényi
pp. 118–127
pdf bib Subordinators with Elaborative Meanings in Czech and English
Pavlína Jínová, Lucie Poláková and Jiří Mírovský
pp. 128–136
pdf bib Predicative Adjunction in a Modular Dependency Grammar
Sylvain Kahane
pp. 137–146
pdf bib The Representation of Czech Light Verb Constructions in a Valency Lexicon
Václava Kettnerová and Markéta Lopatková
pp. 147–156
pdf bib A Deterministic Dependency Parser with Dynamic Programming for Sanskrit
Amba Kulkarni
pp. 157–166
pdf bib Reasoning with Dependency Structures and Lexicographic Definitions Using Unit Graphs
Maxime Lefrançois and Fabien Gandon
pp. 167–176
pdf bib Non-Projectivity in the Ancient Greek Dependency Treebank
Francesco Mambrini and Marco Passarotti
pp. 177–186
pdf bib More Constructions, More Genres: Extending Stanford Dependencies
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Miriam Connor, Natalia Silveira, Samuel R. Bowman, Timothy Dozat and Christopher D. Manning
pp. 187–196
pdf bib Why So Many Nodes?
Dan Maxwell
pp. 197–206
pdf bib Grammatical Markers and Grammatical Relations in the Simple Clause in Old French
Nicolas Mazziotta
pp. 207–216
pdf bib AnCora-UPF: A Multi-Level Annotation of Spanish
Simon Mille, Alicia Burga and Leo Wanner
pp. 217–226
pdf bib Towards Building Parallel Dependency Treebanks: Intra-Chunk Expansion and Alignment for English Dependency Treebank
Debanka Nandi, Maaz Nomani, Himanshu Sharma, Himani Chaudhary, Sambhav Jain and Dipti Misra Sharma
pp. 227–235
pdf bib Annotators’ Certainty and Disagreements in Coreference and Bridging Annotation in Prague Dependency Treebank
Anna Nedoluzhko and Jiří Mírovský
pp. 236–243
pdf bib How Dependency Trees and Tectogrammatics Help Annotating Coreference and Bridging Relations in Prague Dependency Treebank
Anna Nedoluzhko and Jiří Mírovský
pp. 244–251
pdf bib Predicting Conjunct Propagation and Other Extended Stanford Dependencies
Jenna Nyblom, Samuel Kohonen, Katri Haverinen, Tapio Salakoski and Filip Ginter
pp. 252–261
pdf bib A Look at Tesnière’s Éléments through the Lens of Modern Syntactic Theory
Timothy Osborne
pp. 262–271
pdf bib The Distribution of Floating Quantifiers: A Dependency Grammar Analysis
Timothy Osborne
pp. 272–281
pdf bib Dependency and Constituency in Translation Shift Analysis
Manuela Sanguinetti, Cristina Bosco and Leonardo Lesmo
pp. 282–291
pdf bib Managing a Multilingual Treebank Project
Milan Souček, Timo Järvinen and Adam LaMontagne
pp. 292–297
pdf bib An Empirical Study of Differences between Conversion Schemes and Annotation Guidelines
Anders Sgaard
pp. 298–307

Last modified on August 1, 2013, 5:28 p.m.