1.1. Types of the syntactic derivation

Syntactic derivation concerns the cases in which the base word is to be used in a different syntactic environment (function) while the core of its meaning stays preserved.

The following types of syntactic derivation can be distinguished:

  1. Possessive adjectives are taken to be derived from nouns and are represented by their t-lemmas (i.e. by the t-lemmas of the base nouns).


    • matčin (=mother's) is represented by matka (=mother);

    • Pavlova (=Pavel's)Pavel;

    • prezidentův (=president's)prezident;

    • kamarádových (=friend's.LOC.pl)kamarád.

    See Section 6.1.1, "Denominating semantic nouns".

  2. Similarly, possessive pronouns use the t-lemmas of their base words, which are personal pronouns. Personal and possessive pronouns (including the reflexives) are represented by a single t-lemma (#PersPron; see Section 4, "T-lemma substitutes").


    • tobě (=you.DAT/LOC.sg) is represented by a node with the #PersPron t-lemma;

    • mě (=I.GEN/ACC)#PersPron;

    • vám (you.DAT.pl)#PersPron;

    • oni (=they)#PersPron;

    • sobě(=self.DAT/LOC)#PersPron.

    • náš (=our)#PersPron;

    • její (=her)#PersPron;

    • svoje (=self's)#PersPron.

    See Section 6.1.3, "Definite pronominal semantic nouns: personal pronouns".

  3. Deadjectival adverbs are represented by nodes with the t-lemmas of the corresponding adjectives.


    • pěkně (=nicely) is represented by pěkný (=nice);

    • rychle (=quickly)rychlý (=quick);

    • pořádně (=thoroughly)pořádný (=thorough).

    See Section 6.2.1, "Denominating semantic adjectives".

  4. Certain pronominal directional adverbs are taken to be derived from locative adverbs; hence, they are represented by nodes with the t-lemmas of the corresponding locative adverbs.


    • tudy (=this_way) is represented by tady (=here);

    • odtud (=from_here)tady (=here);

    • sem (=here.directional)tady (=here.locative);

    • odtamtud (=from_there)tam (=there).

    See Section 6.3.5, "Definite pronominal semantic adverbs".

  5. Similarly, certain pronominal temporal adverbs (answering the questions "od kdy (=from when)", "do kdy (=until when)" etc.) are understood as derived from adverbs carrying the simplest temporal meaning (i.e. the one answering the question "kdy? (=when)") and are represented by their t-lemmas.


    • doteď (=until_now) is represented by teď (=now);

    • doposud (=until_now)teď (=now).

    See Section 6.3.5, "Definite pronominal semantic adverbs".

The m-lemmas of words that are taken to be derived by means of syntactic derivation can be deduced from the used t-lemma together with the assigned functor. For example, the m-lemma matčin (=mother's) corresponds to the combination of the t-lemma matka (=mother) and the functor APP (type A, similarly type B); the m-lemma tudy (=this_way) corresponds to the combination of the t-lemma tady (=here) and the functor DIR2 (type D) etc.

!!! Types of syntactic derivation not represented at the tectogrammatical level as such. Other types of syntactic derivatives are not represented as such at the tectogrammatical level so far; their m-lemmas are used instead. These are: