Graph Editor Manual


Installation instructions | Menu commands | Viewing and editing the tree structure and attributes |


The Graph tree editor is an annotation tool designed for viewing and editing tree structures saved in FS file format. For details, see FS file format description. Both the analytical and tectogrammatical level of PDT annotation can be found in .fs file format on this CD.

The trees consist of nodes labeled by attribute-value pairs and are displayed with the root at the top of the screen. Users can configure the displayed attributes for all the nodes, screen font, colours etc. The tree can be rearranged in various ways, the editing functions include: subtree cutting and pasting, editing of the attribute values, changing the governor of the node or selecting the node to root the tree.

The editor enables to use macros, that are programmed in a specifically designed macro language. The Graph editor can be used in graphical or batch mode, where it works as an interpret of the macro language.

The Graph editor runs under Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows 2000 systems.

Introduction | Menu commands | Viewing and editing the tree structure and attributes |

Installation instructions

The Graph editor runs under Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows 2000 systems.

Copy the content of the directory graph into the file system on your harddrive (or, in case of any trouble, you might want to download the file and unpack it in your designated Windows directory; please be aware that sometimes not all files from a directory are displayed in Windows Explorer). Run the program Graph.exe; in some cases, it might be possible to run it directly from the CD (try it here; graph.exe).

Introduction | Installation instructions | Viewing and editing the tree structure and attributes |

Menu commands

File | Tree | Subtree | Node | View | Block | Options | Macros | Window | Help



Opens new file containing only one one-node tree with one default attribute. The file is untitled and needs to be saved under a new name later. There can be at most one untitled file open in the application at any moment.


Opens an existing file that the user chooses in the Open dialog box. The code page is determined depending on the file extension

.FS1 ..... PCLATIN2
.FS2 ..... KEYBCS21
and the characters with Czech diacritic are recoded to the Windows format. Other extensions than those above are not recognized and therefore the file is loaded unchanged.


Saves the active file to the disk and codes the Czech characters back according to the file extension (see the File|Open command for the list of recognized extensions). The backup file is created; for files with standard extension FSx, the backup file extension is FBx (where x is one of 1,2 or space), for any other file it is FBX. Only modified files can be saved.

Save As...

Prompts user for a new name of the file and then performs Save command.

Save All

Saves all open modified files complying to the rules above. Unmodified files are not saved.


Recovers the file to its state at the last save. Any changes made after that are lost.

Quits the editor and prompts user to save all modified files.



Displays the next tree of the active file.


Displays previous tree of the active file.

Go To...

Displays tree with specified number. Entering zero causes the editor to go to the last tree in the active file.


Displays the number of the currently displayed (active) tree in the file.


Inserts a new tree in front of the active tree. The new tree contains only one node. Attribute values are filled with defaults.


Inserts the tree from the Clipboard to the position preceding the active tree. Because the attributes of the tree from the Clipboard can differ from those in the file, the sets of attributes are compared and only the corresponding values are copied. If there still remain undefined attributes in the file, the user is prompted to confirm the operation. The remaining attributes are then filled with defaults. This procedure is always applied in case of copying a tree from the Clipboard to the file.


Appends the tree from the Clipboard to the end of the active file. See the Insert command section to learn more about copying trees from the Clipboard.


Deletes the active tree from the file. If it is the only tree in the file, the file is closed after user's confirmation.



Deletes the subtree of the active node, or the whole tree if the root is active, and places it into the Clipboard.


Copies the subtree of the active node to the Clipboard. The displayed tree is not modified.


Pastes the tree from the Clipboard as the last son of the active node. See the Tree|Insert section to learn more about copying trees from the Clipboard.

Paste Left

Pastes the tree from the Clipboard as a left brother of the active node.

Paste Right

Pastes the tree from the Clipboard as a right brother of the active node.


Rotates the active node (with its subtree) and its right brother (with its subtree). This command is useful after adding the last son of some node to move it to the correct place by rotating it (without using the mouse).



Displays the Node Edit dialog box with the list of all attributes defined for the file and the values assigned to them in the active node.
The window displays the following function buttons:

Allows user to edit value for currently selected attribute.
Copies currently selected attribute's value to the value clipboard.
Replaces current attribute's value with the value stored in value clipboard.
Confirms changes and closes the dialog box.
Closes dialog box without making any changes.


Copies all the attribute values of the active node to the node clipboard. This clipboard is different from the tree and value clipboards mentioned above.


Replaces the active node attribute values with the corresponding values from the node clipboard. Remaining attribute values are not changed.



Creates a new node and connects it as the last son of the active node. All the attribute values of this node are filled with defaults.

Make Root


Activates the left brother of the active node in the circular sons list, i.e. if the active node is the leftest son, it activates the rightest son.


Activates the right brother of the active node in the circular sons list.


Activates the parent node of the active node.


Activates the leftmost son of the active node.



Displays only the value of the first attribute for each node.


Displays the values of all attributes for each node.


Opens the dialog window in which the user can select the attributes that should be displayed. Click the attribute name to select/deselect it. Always at least one attribute has to be selected.

Hidden Subtrees

Toggle displaying the hidden subtrees of the tree. See the description of FS file format for details on hiding selected subtrees.


Displays the tree Clipboard in a separate window. Results of the operations Subtree|Cut and Subtree|Copy are automatically appended. The Clipboard window is not treated as a regular file because of its heterogenity (the trees can originate in different files with different sets of attributes) and therefore only limited number of commands is available.


Displays Attributes dialog box with names and types of all attributes defined in the file. Available sub-commands:

EDIT Displays a dialog box where user can change currently selected attribute's name and type. If the attribute would become obligatory, the whole file is searched to find undefined values; if there are some, user is prompted to confirm the operation and undefined values are set to default throughout the file.
SET Allows the user to change currently selected attribute values globally in a given range (it can be file, block - if there is one defined - active tree or subtree of active node) with a new value. User can also choose if the command should only overwrite specified old value or if the new value should be set regardless to it. The new value cannot be empty for obligatory attributes.
ADD Allows adding a new attribute to the set of defined attributes. User must specify its name and type and optionally its default value for the whole file. Insert mode check box determines whether the new attribute will be added as a preceding or following to the currently selected attribute.
DELETE After user's confirmation this command deletes currently selected attribute from the file. If the attribute is the only one in the file, it cannot be deleted.
CLOSE Closes the dialog box. Changes are made directly after confirming each operation, not at the moment of closing the dialog box.



Displays Bookmarks dialog box with list of all defined bookmarks. Bookmark is an identifier that represents specified tree in the file and it should be used for marking trees to find them fast later. If the tree is deleted or window closed, bookmark is automatically deleted from the list.
Available sub-commands:

GO TO Displays the tree associated with the selected bookmark.
ADD Adds a new bookmark with given name to the list. It is associated with the active tree.
DELETE Deletes the selected bookmark from the list.
CLOSE Closes the dialog box.


A Block is a group of trees limited by the beginning tree and the end tree within one file. Commands in this menu enable to manipulate the block as a whole and thus make intermediate grade between file and tree. Another block command is located under View|Attributes|Set.

Set begin

The active tree is marked as the beginning of the block.

Set End

The active tree is marked as the end of the block.

Go To Begin

Displays the beginning tree of the block (as if it was a bookmark).

Go To End

Displays the end tree of the block.

Macros On Block


Moves the block to the position preceding the active tree. The blocks can be moved between different files and therefore the Paste command described in Tree|Insert is applied.


Copies the block before the active tree. The blocks can be copied between different files and therefore pasting procedure described in Tree|Insert is applied.


Deletes the block, after prompting user for confirmation.


Opens the specified file and places all the trees it contains as a block before the active tree. Pasting procedure described in Tree|Insert is applied.

Save As...

Saves the current block as a separate file. The block is not deleted from the active file.


Opens a dialogue window with a list of items users can set colours for. The items are: Background (of the Graph window), Tree (edges of the tree), Active Node, Normal Text, Shadow Text, Highlight Text, Extra Highlight text. In the definition of the attributes in each .fs file the attributes can be marked whether they should appear in normal, shadow or highlight text on the screen.
Select the item to change colour for and click Change button. Select the appropriate colour in the displayed dialogue box, click OK and then Close.

@P1 warning /* the values of the positional attribute "warning" will be displayed in shadow text colour */
@P label /* if 2 or no value is set for attribute, its values display in normal text colour */
@P3 error /* the values of the positional attribute "error" will be displayed in highlight text colour */

Window Font
Allows users to select font for displaying the node attribute values. Select face, font style and size and encoding, then click OK button.

Status Bar Font
Allows users to select font for displaying the status bar line. Select face, font style and size and encoding, then click OK button.

Line Thickness
Allows users to select the thickness of the edges of the tree. Enter the thickness in points and click OK button.


Selecting this option will display the list of all currently available macros present in graph.cfg file that are labeled by special comment lines.


At the end of this menu there is list of all open windows. The user can activate a window by choosing it from this list.


Cascades all open windows.


Tiles all open windows.

Arrange Icons

Arranges iconic windows along the bottom of the application window.

Close All

Closes all open windows and prompts user to save all modified files.



Displays the help window containing a smaller version of this manual.


Introduction | Installation instructions | Menu commands |

Viewing and editing the tree structure and attributes

The application is designed so that it could be controlled either only by keyboard or mouse (except for inputting text). However, the best solution is to combine both attitudes. The application makes it easy providing keyboard hotkeys and menu shortcuts on graphical toolbar in addition to standard menu controls. Trees can also be easily modified clicking and dragging the mouse.



Some of the menu commands can be called from keyboard:
File -> Save F2
Tree -> Next >
Tree -> Previous <
Subtree -> Cut F5
Subtree -> Copy F6
Subtree -> Paste F7
Node -> Edit Enter
Node -> Find... F3


The toolbar in the top part of the display area offers icons as shortcuts to menu commands. Place the mouse over the icon to display the description in the bottom status bar.

Top | Introduction | Installation instructions | Menu commands | Viewing and editing the tree structure and attributes