MORFO_INFLEX/th_atom2index_expand [ Functions ]

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atom -- natural number of tag as used in tag file


The function returns atom extended with negation and grade flag. The returned number may be used to index regexp_cache array. If the indexed cell is equal to TH_NOT_MATCH, tag ought to be excluded from processing. Otherwise index to string_rep is stored there.

MORFO_INFLEX/th_pattern2index [ Functions ]

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Patterns from TPatternFile have their dense natural numbers. They are used to index array th->tag_c_frm_idc to get index to th->tagc_frm_rep where pattern's tag-cache (cache_idx) - form-index (form_idx) couples are stored.

Field cache_idx references th->regexp_cache array. Then the cell th->regexp_cache[cache_idx] references th->string_rep where modified tag string is stored.

Field form_idx compounds of pattern's form index, negation and grade flag.


The dense number of the pattern is returned.