@article {BojarPBML2004,
Author = {Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar}
Title = "{Czech Syntactic Analysis Constraint-Based, XDG: One Possible Start}"
EnglishTitle = "{Czech Syntactic Analysis Constraint-Based, XDG: One Possible Start}"
BookTitle = {Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics}
Number = {81}
Volume = {}
Pages = {43--54}
Publisher = {MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2004}

@article {Bojar2004,
Author = {Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar}
Title = "{Problems of Inducing Large Coverage Constraint-Based Dependency Grammar for Czech}"
EnglishTitle = "{Problems of Inducing Large Coverage Constraint-Based Dependency Grammar for Czech}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Language Processing}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {29--42}
Publisher = {Roskilde University}
Editors = {H. Christiansen, P. R. Skadhauge and J. Villadsen}
PubAddress = {Roskilde}
Year = {2004}

@techreport {HajicAl1998,
Author = {Jan Haji{\v{c}} and Barbora Vidov{\'a}-Hladk{\'a} and Daniel Zeman and Michael Collins and Lance Ramshaw and Christoph Tillmann and Eric Brill and Douglas Jones and Cynthia Kuo and Ozren Schwartz}
Title = "{Core Natural Language Processing Technology Applicable to Multiple Languages}"
EnglishTitle = "{Core Natural Language Processing Technology Applicable to Multiple Languages}"
BookTitle = {}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {1998}

@inProceedings {HolanKubonAlTSD2003,
Author = {Tom{\'a}{\v{s}} Holan and Vladislav Kubo{\v{n}} and Martin Pl{\'a}tek and Karel Oliva}
Title = "{A Theoretical Basis of an Architecture of a Shell of a Reasonably Robust Syntactic Analyser}"
EnglishTitle = "{A Theoretical Basis of an Architecture of a Shell of a Reasonably Robust Syntactic Analyser}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {58--65}
Publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York}
Editors = {V. Matou{\v{s}}ek, P. Mautner}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2003}

@phdthesis {KubonPHD2001,
Author = {Vladislav Kubo{\v{n}}}
Title = "{Problems of Robust Parsing of Czech}"
EnglishTitle = "{Problems of Robust Parsing of Czech}"
BookTitle = {PhD thesis}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {{\'U}FAL MFF UK}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2001}

@article {KubonPBML2001,
Author = {Vladislav Kubo{\v{n}}}
Title = "{A Method for Analyzing Clause Complexity}"
EnglishTitle = "{A Method for Analyzing Clause Complexity}"
BookTitle = {Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics}
Number = {75}
Volume = {}
Pages = {5--28}
Publisher = {MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2001}

@inProceedings {KubonHolanAlIWPT2001,
Author = {Vladislav Kubo{\v{n}} and Tom{\'a}{\v{s}} Holan and Karel Oliva and Martin Pl{\'a}tek}
Title = "{Word-Order Relaxations & Restrictions within a Dependency Grammar}"
EnglishTitle = "{Word-Order Relaxations & Restrictions within a Dependency Grammar}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of International Workshop on Parsing Technologies}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {237--240}
Publisher = {Tsinghua University Press}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2001}

@inProceedings {KubonHolanAlCOLING1998,
Author = {Vladislav Kubo{\v{n}} and Tom{\'a}{\v{s}} Holan and Karel Oliva and Martin Pl{\'a}tek}
Title = "{Two Useful Measures of Word Order Complexity}"
EnglishTitle = "{Two Useful Measures of Word Order Complexity}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the Dependency-Based Grammars Workshop, the COLING - ACL Conference}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {}
Editors = {A. Polguere, S. Kahane}
PubAddress = {Montreal, Canada}
Year = {1998}

@techreport {KubonHolanAlTR1998,
Author = {Vladislav Kubo{\v{n}} and Tom{\'a}{\v{s}} Holan and Karel Oliva and Martin Pl{\'a}tek}
Title = "{Two Useful Measures of Word Order Complexity}"
EnglishTitle = "{Two Useful Measures of Word Order Complexity}"
BookTitle = {{\'U}FAL Technical Report}
Number = {4}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {MFF UK}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {1998}

@inProceedings {KubonPlatekTSD2001,
Author = {Vladislav Kubo{\v{n}} and Martin Pl{\'a}tek}
Title = "{A Method of Accurate Robust Parsing for Czech}"
EnglishTitle = "{A Method of Accurate Robust Parsing for Czech}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {69--92}
Publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York}
Editors = {V. Matou{\v{s}}ek, P. Mautner, R. Mou{\v{c}}ek, K. Tau{\v{s}}er}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2001}

@inProceedings {LopatkovaPlatekAl2005,
Author = {Mark{\'e}ta Lopatkov{\'a} and Martin Pl{\'a}tek and Vladislav Kubo{\v{n}}}
Title = "{Z{\'a}vislostn{\'i} reduk{\v{c}}n{\'i} anal{\'y}za p{\v{r}}irozen{\'y}ch jazyk{\r{u}}}"
EnglishTitle = "{Dependency Analysis of Natural Languages}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of ITAT 2004}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {University of P. J. {\v{S}}afa{\v{r}}{\'i}k}
Editors = {P. Vojt{\'a}{\v{s}}}
PubAddress = {Ko{\v{s}}ice}
Year = {2005}

@phdthesis {RibarovPHD2004,
Author = {Kiril Ribarov}
Title = "{Automatic Building of a Dependency Tree - The Rule-Based Approach and Beyond}"
EnglishTitle = "{Automatic Building of a Dependency Tree - The Rule-Based Approach and Beyond}"
BookTitle = {PhD thesis}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2004}

@article {RibarovPBML2002,
Author = {Kiril Ribarov}
Title = "{On the Rule-Based Parsing of Czech}"
EnglishTitle = "{On the Rule-Based Parsing of Czech}"
BookTitle = {Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics}
Number = {77}
Volume = {}
Pages = {77--99}
Publisher = {MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2002}

@inProceedings {RibarovLREC2000,
Author = {Kiril Ribarov}
Title = "{Rule-Based Tagging: Morphological Tagsets versus Tagset of Analytical Functions}"
EnglishTitle = "{Rule-Based Tagging: Morphological Tagsets versus Tagset of Analytical Functions}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {1123--1125}
Publisher = {European Language Resources Association}
Editors = {M. Gavrilidou, G. Carayannis, S. Markantonatou, S. Piperidis, G. Stainhaouer}
PubAddress = {Athens, Greece}
Year = {2000}

@inProceedings {SarkarZemanCOLING2000,
Author = {Anoop Sarkar and Daniel Zeman}
Title = "{Automatic Extraction of Subcategorization Frames for Czech}"
EnglishTitle = "{Automatic Extraction of Subcategorization Frames for Czech}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {691--697}
Publisher = {}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {Saarbrucken, Germany}
Year = {2000}

@phdthesis {ZemanPHD2004,
Author = {Daniel Zeman}
Title = "{Parsing with a Statistical Dependency Model}"
EnglishTitle = "{Parsing with a Statistical Dependency Model}"
BookTitle = {PhD thesis}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {{\'U}FAL MFF UK}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2004}

@techreport {ZemanTR2004,
Author = {Daniel Zeman}
Title = "{Non-projectivity in Czech sentences}"
EnglishTitle = "{Non-projectivity in Czech sentences}"
BookTitle = {{\'U}FAL Technical Report}
Number = {22}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {MFF UK}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {Prague}
Year = {2004}

@inProcedings {ZemanCOLING2002,
Author = {Daniel Zeman}
Title = "{Can Subcategorization Help a Statistical Dependency Parser?}"
EnglishTitle = "{Can Subcategorization Help a Statistical Dependency Parser?}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {1156--1162}
Publisher = {}
Editors = {S.-Ch. Tseng}
PubAddress = {Taipei, Taiwan}
Year = {2002}

@article {ZemanPBML2002,
Author = {Daniel Zeman}
Title = "{How to Decrease the Performance of a Statistical Parser}"
EnglishTitle = "{How to Decrease the Performance of a Statistical Parser}"
BookTitle = {Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics}
Number = {78}
Volume = {}
Pages = {53--62}
Publisher = {MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2002}

@inProceedings {ZemanIWPT2001,
Author = {Daniel Zeman}
Title = "{How Much Will a RE-based Preprocessor Help a Statistical Parser?}"
EnglishTitle = "{How Much Will a RE-based Preprocessor Help a Statistical Parser?}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of International Workshop on Parsing Technologies}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {253--256}
Publisher = {Tsinghua University Press}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2001}

@article {ZemanPBML2001,
Author = {Daniel Zeman}
Title = "{Parsing with Regular Expressions: A Minute to Learn, a Lifetime to Master}"
EnglishTitle = "{Parsing with Regular Expressions: A Minute to Learn, a Lifetime to Master}"
BookTitle = {Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics}
Number = {75}
Volume = {}
Pages = {29--37}
Publisher = {MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {2001}

@article {ZemanPBML1998,
Author = {Daniel Zeman}
Title = "{A Statistical Approach to Parsing of Czech}"
EnglishTitle = "{A Statistical Approach to Parsing of Czech}"
BookTitle = {Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics}
Number = {69}
Volume = {}
Pages = {}
Publisher = {MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic}
Editors = {}
PubAddress = {}
Year = {1998}

@inProceedings {ZemanSarkarLREC2000,
Author = {Daniel Zeman and Anoop Sarkar}
Title = "{Learning Verb Subcategorization from Corpora: Counting Frame Subsets}"
EnglishTitle = "{Learning Verb Subcategorization from Corpora: Counting Frame Subsets}"
BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Language Resources}
Number = {}
Volume = {}
Pages = {227--233}
Publisher = {European Language Resources Association}
Editors = {M. Gavrilidou, G. Carayannis, S. Markantonatou, S. Piperidis, G. Stainhaouer}
PubAddress = {Athens, Greece}
Year = {2000}