For full documentation of the tagset, see Jawaid Bushra, Kamran Amir, Bojar Ondřej: A Tagged Corpus and a Tagger for Urdu. In: Proceedings of LREC 2014, Hassan Sajjad: Statistical Part-of-Speech Tagger for Urdu, Master Thesis, 2007, Sajjad’s Tagset CRULP HUM Analyzer SH Parser demonstrative AD — RelPron2 DEM adverbial demonstrative KD — InterPron WQ kaf demonstrative PD DM DemPron PRP personal demonstrative RD DMRL RelPron — relative demonstrative noun NN NN, NNCM, NNC, NNCR, MOPE, MOPO, NNL N NN, XC noun PN NNP, NNPC PN NNP, XC proper noun pronoun AKP — InterPron1, InterPron2, InterPron3 — adverbial kaf pronoun AP — RelPron2 NST adverbial pronoun KP — InterPron WQ kaf pronoun PP PR PersPron, RelPron1 DEM personal pronoun REP PRRL RelPron PRP relative pronoun RP PRRF RefPron PRP reflexive pronoun genitive G PRP$ PossPron PRP genitive GR PRRFP$ — PRP genitive reflexive verb VB VB, VBL, VBI, VBLI, VBT Verb, Verb1, Verb2 VM auxiliary AA AUXA — VAUX aspectual auxiliary TA AUXT — VAUX tense auxiliary adjective ADJ JJ Adj, Adj1, Adj2, Adj3, AdjD JJ, XC adjective adverb ADV RB, I Adv RB, INTF, NST adverb quantifier Q Q IndefPron1, IndefPron2, RelPron2, IndefPron, RelPron3 QF quantifier numeral CA CD Num QC, ECH cardinal OR OD RelPron2, N QO ordinal FR FR — — fractional MUL MUL Verb, Verb1 VM multiplicative measuring unit U U — — measuring unit conjunction CC CC Conj CC coordinating conjunction SC SC Conj CC subordinating conjunction intensifier I ITRP Part RP particle A JJRP PostP, Part PSP adjectival particle KER KER PossPostPos PSP ker particle title PRT pre-title POT post-title semantic marker P CM PossPostPos — semantic marker SE SE, RBRP PostP PSP س wala WALA WALA — — negation NEG NEG Neg NEG interjection INT INJ Intjunc JJ question word QW QW Quest WQ punctuation PM PM — SYM phrase marker SM SM — SYM sentence marker date DATE DATE — — other EXP SYM — SYM UNK UNK UNK, Verb3, Verb_Aux UNK