Bibtex database with some of the papers, reports etc.
Kruijff-Korbayová I., Kruijff G.J.M. and Bateman John. (2002) 'Generation of
Contextually Appropriate Word Order'.
In Kees van Deemter and Rodger Kibble (eds.), Information sharing. CSLI Publishers. pp. 193-222.
Hana, J. (2001) 'The Agile System'. PBML, Praha, pp. 39-67.
Table of Contents:
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Bateman, J., Teich, E., Kruijff-Korbayová, I., Kruijff, G.-J., Sharoff, S. & Skoumalová, H. (2000)
`Resources for multilingual text generation in three Slavic languages'.
In Gavrilidou, M., Carayannis, G., Markantonatou, S., Piperidis, S., & Stainhaouer, G. (eds.)
Proceedings of Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
ELRA, pp. 1763-1768.
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Dochev, D., Gromova, N. & Staykova, K. (2000),
`Lexico-grammatical characteristics of bulgarian software instructional texts',
Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics (49), pp. 11-19.
zipped Word,
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Kruijff, G.-J. & Kruijff-Korbayová, I. (2000),
`Aggregation and contextual reference in automatically generated instructions'.
P. Sojka, I. Kopeček & K. Pala, (eds.),
Proceedings of the Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 2000),
Brno, Czech Republic, Springer-Verlag, pp. 87-92.
Kruijff, G.-J., Teich, E., Bateman, J., Kruijff-Korbayová, I.,
Skoumalová, H., Sharoff, S., Sokolova, L., Hartley, T., Staykova, K. & Hana, J. (2000),
`A multilingual system for text generation in three slavic languages'.
In Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2000),
Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany, pp. 474-480.
Kruijff-Korbayová, I., Bateman, J. & Kruijff, G.-J. M. (in prep.),
`Generation of contextually appropriate word order'.
In K. van Deemter & R. Kibble (eds.),
Information Sharing, Lecture Notes, CSLI.
zipped postscript,
Staykova, K. & Dochev, D. (2000),
`Development of lexico-grammar resources for natural language generation (experience from AGILE project)',
S. Cerri & D. Dochev (eds.),
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications (AIMSA 2000),
Varna, Bulgaria, LNAI Vol. 1904, Springer-Verlag, pp. 242-251.
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Kruijff, G.-J. & Kruijff-Korbayová, I. (1999),
`Text structuring in a multilingual system for generation of instructions'.
In Matouek, V., Mautner, P., Ocelíková, J. & Sojka, P. (eds.),
TSD99, Springer-Verlag, pp. 89-94.
Kruijff-Korbayová, I. & Kruijff, G.-J. (1999),
`Contextually appropriate ordering of nominal expressions'.
In R. Kibble & K. van Deemter (eds.)
Proceedings of the ESSLLI'99 Workshop on Generating Nominal Expressions, European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information,
Utrecht, the Netherlands, p. ???
Kruijff-Korbayová, I. & Kruijff, G.-J. (1999),
`Handling word order in a multilingual system for generation of instructions'.
In Matouek, V., Mautner, P. & Ocelíková, Jana & Sojka, P. (eds.),
`Springer-Verlag. TSD99, pp. 83-88.
Sharoff, S. (1999) The semiotics of `Choose Multiline from the Draw toolbar'.
In: Proc. of the 5th International Congress on Terminology and Knowledge Engineering, Innsbruck (Austria),
24-28 August 1999, pp. 594-602.
available at
Bateman, J. & Sharoff, S. (1998)
`Multilingual Grammars and Multilingual Lexicons for Multilingual Text Generation'.
In the Working Papers of the ECAI'98 Workshop on Multilinguality in the Lexicon, Brighton, U.K., August 1998.
available at
Kruijff-Korbayová, I. (1998),
`Automatic Generation of instructions in a multilingual environment',
Kopeček (ed.), Proceedings of the Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 98),
Brno, Czech Republic, 23-26 September 1998, Springer-Verlag.
Sharoff, S. & Sokolova, L. (1998)
`Towards ML-generation of manuals: the initial stage of the AGILE project'.
The international workshop DIALOGUE'98, September 1998. (in Russian)
Kruijff-Korbayová, I. (1997),
`Generation of instructions in a multilingual environment'.
Kopeček (ed.), Proceedings of the Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD 98),
Brno, Czech Republic, Masaryk University Press, Brno, Czech Republic, pp. 67-72.
Teich E., Steiner, E., Henschel, R., & Bateman, J. A.(1997),
`AGILE: Automatic drafting of technical documents in Czech, Russian and Bulgarian'.
Technical report, DFKI, Saarbruecken. Project note, Proceedings of the DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Generation, April 1997,
available at
Presentations, etc.
- Kruijff G.J.M. et al.
Presentation at Coling 2000
online version, zipped PowerPoint
Presentation at the first review meeting in Brighton
Kruijff-Korbayová I.
Lexicogrammatical Resources: Contributions to State-of-art Technologies:
online version
Kruijff-Korbayová I., Kruijff G.J.M.:
The AGILE Text Structuring Module
online version
Kruijff-Korbayová I.
Evaluation of the IMD Prototype
online version
Some of the files are rather big:
(pdf 450KB - 13MB, MS Word 53KB - 5 MB, zipped MS Word 17KB - 2.6MB),
if you have problem with downloading from our site, you can try:
official Agile WWW
WP1: Interface development and localisation
Stankov, Power and Hartley
Design specification for the interface to the intermediate demonstrator
[MS Word]
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Deliverable INTF1
July 1999
Hartley, Power, Scott, Varbanov
Design specification of the user interface for the AGILE final prototype
[MS Word]
[zipped MS Word]
Deliverable INTF-2
June 2000
WP2: Domain Modelling
WP3: Corpus preparation and analysis
Hartley, Dochev, Gromova, Staykova, Bemova, Rosen, Trojanek, Sokolova
Tagging and analysis of instrumental texts in the software domain
[MS Word]
[zipped MS Word]
Deliverable CORP
June 1998
WP4: Lexical resources
Skoumalova, Hana, Dochev, Gromova, Sharoff
Lexical - morphological specifications and resources for the initial demonstrator
[MS Word]
[zipped MS Word]
Deliverables: LSPEC, MORP, LEXN
June 1998
Kruijff, Bateman, Bemova, Dochev, Hartley, Kruijff-Korbayova, Sharoff, Skoumalova, Sokolova, Staykova, Teich, Trojanek
Modelling Lexical resources in KPML for Generating Instructions in Slavic languages
[MS Word]
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Deliverable LSPEC2
November 1998
Skoumalova, Kruijifl-Korbayova, Hana, Malkovsky, Boldasov, Dochev
Lexical and morphological resources for the final prototype
[MS Word]
[zipped MS Word]
Deliverable LEXN
July 1999
WP5: Text Structuring
Bateman, Hartley, Kruijff-Korbayova, Dochev, Gromova, Hana, Sharoff, Sokolova
Generation of simple text structures for instructions in Bulgaria, Czech and Russian
[MS Word]
[zipped MS Word]
Deliverables TEXS1, TEXM1
June 1998
Kruijff, Kruijff-Korbayova, Bateman, Dochev, Gromova, Hartley, Teich, Sharoff, Sokolova, Staykova
Specification of elaborated text structures
[MS Word]
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Deliverable TEXS2
April 1999
Kruijff, Kruijff-Korbayova, Bateman
The Text Structuring Module for the Intermediate Prototype
[MS Word]
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Deliverable TEXM2
July 1999
Hartley, Kruijff, Kruijff-Korbayova, Dochev, Hadjiiliev, Sokolova
Text Structuring Specification for the Final Prototype
[MS Word]
[zipped MS Word]
Deliverable TEXS3
January 2000
Kruijff, Kruijff-Korbayova, Sharoff, Hadjiiliev, Sokolova, Boldasov
Flexible structuring for the final prototype (documentation to the software)
[MS Word]
[zipped MS Word]
Deliverable TEXM3
Oct 2000
WP6: Linguistic specification
Bateman, Teich, Kruijff-Korbayova, Skoumalova, Gromova, Dochev, Sharoff, Sokolova
Specification of grammatical resources for the initial Demonstration
[MS Word]
[zipped MS Word]
Deliverable SPEC1
June 1998
Andonova, Bateman, Gromova, Hartley, Kruijff, Kruijff-Korbayova, Sharoff, Skoumalova, Sokolova, Staykova, Teich
Formal specification of extended grammar models
[MS Word]
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Deliverable SPEC2
Feb 1999
Sharoff, Sokolova, Dochev, Kruijff, Kruijff-Korbayova, Hana, Staykova, Teich, Bateman
Formal specification of full grammar models: Implementation of tactical generation resources for all three languages in a Final Prototype
[MS Word]
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Deliverables: SPEC3/IMPL3
Oct 2000
WP7: Implementation of tactical generators
Bateman, Teich, Dochev, Gromova, Hana, Kruijff-Korbayova,Skoumalova, Sharoff, Sokolova
Grammatical resource implementation for Bulgaria, Czech and Russian
[MS Word]
[zipped MS Word]
Deliverable IMPL1
June 1998
Andonova, Bateman, Hansen, Hana, Kruijff, Kruijff-Korbayova, Staykova, Sokolova, Teich
Implementation of grammatical resources for the intermediate demonstrator
[MS Word]
[zipped MS Word]
Deliverable IMPL2
July 1999
WP8: Integration
Integrated intermediate prototype for all three languages(Bulgarian, Czech and Russian)
[MS Word]
[zipped MS Word]
Deliverable PROT1
July 1999
WP9: Evaluation
Sharoff, Scott, Hartley, Dochev, Hana, Cmejrek, Kruijff, Kruijff-Korbayova
Evaluation of the intermediate prototype
[MS Word]
[zipped MS Word]
Deliverable EVAL1
April 2000
Hartley, Scott, Kruijff-Korbayova, Sharoff, Sokolova, Dochev, Staykova, Cmejrek, Hana, Teich
Evaluation of the final prototype
[MS Word]
[zipped MS Word]
Deliverable EVAL2
Oct 2000