Position 1 - POS |
A | Adjective |
C | Numeral |
D | Adverb |
I | Interjection |
J | Conjunction |
N | Noun |
P | Pronoun |
V | Verb |
R | Preposition |
T | Particle |
X | Unknown, special use |
Z | Punctuation |
Position 2 - SubPOS |
N | N: Noun |
A | A: Adjective (long, non-participle) (xorosij, ploxoj) |
C | A: Short adjective (non-participle) (surov, krasiv) |
G | A: Participle, active or long passive (čitajuscij, čitavsij, pročitavšij, čitaemyj;
but not pročitannyj (AA), pročitan (Ac) |
c | A: Short passive participle (procitan) |
U | A: Possessive adjective (mamin, oveč'ju) |
P | P: Personal pronoun (ja, my, ty, vy, on, ona, ono, oni, sebja) |
5 | P: 3rd person pronoun in prepositional forms (nego, nej, ...) |
S | P: Possessive pronoun (moj, ego, svoj, ..) |
D | P: Pronoun demonstrative (ètot, tot, sej, takoj, èkij, ... ) |
Q | P: Relative/interrogative pronoun with nominal declension (kto, čto) |
q | P: Relative/interrogative pronoun with adjectival declension (kakoj, kotoryj, cej, ...) |
W | P: Negative pronoun with nominal declension (nicto, nikto) |
w | P: Negative pronoun with adjectival declension (nikakoj, nicej) |
Z | P: Indefinite pronoun with nominal declension (kto-to, kto-nibud', cto-to, ...) |
z | P: Indefinite pronoun with adjectival declension (samyj, ves', ...) |
= | C: Number written using digits |
} | C: Number written using Roman numerals (XIV) |
n | C: Cardinal numeral (odin, tri, sorok) |
r | C: Ordinal numeral (pervyj, tretij) |
j | C: Generic/collective numeral (dvoje, četvero) |
u | C: Interrogative numeral (skol'ko) |
a | C: Indefinite numeral (mnogo, neskol'ko) |
v | C: Multiplicative numeral (dvaždy, triždy) |
B | V: Verb in present, past or rarely future form (čitaju, splju, pišum, spal, ždal) |
f | V: Infinitive (delat', spat') |
i | V: Imperative (spi, sdelaj, pročti) |
e | V: Gerund (delaja; pridja, otpisav) |
b | D: Adverb without a possibility to form negation and degrees of comparison (vverxu, vnizu, potom) |
g | D: Adverb forming negation and degrees of comparison (vysoko, daleko) |
F | R: Part of a preposition; never appears isolated (nesmotrja) |
R | R: Nonvocalized preposition (ob, pered, s, v, ...) |
V | R: Vocalized preposition (obo, peredo, so, vo, ...) |
, | J: Subordinate conjunction (esli, čto, kotoryj) |
^ | J: Non-subordinate conjunction (i, a, xotja, pricem) |
I | I: Interjection (oj, aga, m-da) |
T | T: Particle (li) |
# | Z: Sentence boundary |
: | Z: Punctuation |
0 | X: Part of a multiword foreign phrase |
X | X: Unknown, special use |
Position 3 - Gender Distinguished for: N, A{ACGUc}, P{P5DLwSq8}, C{nra}, VB |
F | Feminine |
M | Masculine |
N | Neuter |
X | Any gender |
Position 4 - Animacy Distinguished for: N, A{AGU}, P{SDwqz}, C{nrja} |
A | Animate |
I | Inanimate |
X | Either |
Position 5 - Number Distinguished for: N, A{ACGUc}, P{P5DwSq}, C{nra}, VB |
P | Plural |
S | Singular |
X | Any number |
Position 6 - Case Distinguished for: N, A{AGU}, P, C{nrjua} |
1 | Nominative |
2 | Genitive |
3 | Dative |
4 | Accusative |
6 | Locative |
7 | Instrumental |
X | Any case |
Position 7 - Possessor's Gender Distinguished for: PS, AU |
F | Feminine possessor |
M | Masculine possessor |
N | Neuter possessor |
X | Possessor of any gender |
Position 8 - Possessor's Number Distinguished for: PP |
P | Plural possessor |
S | Singular possessor |
Position 9 - Person Distinguished for: P{P5S}, V{Bi} |
1 | 1st person |
2 | 2nd person |
3 | 3rd person |
X | Any person |
Position 10 - Reflexivity Distinguished for: AG, P{P5S}, V |
I | Irreflexive |
R | Reflexive |
Position 11 - Tense Distinguished for: A{G}, V{Bp} |
F | Future |
P | Present |
R | Past |
X | Any (Past, Present, or Future) |
Position 12 - Aspect Distinguished for: AG, V |
P | perfective |
I | imperfective |
X | either aspect |
Position 13 - Degree of comparison Distinguished for: AA, Dg |
1 | Positive |
2 | Comparative |
3 | Superlative |
Position 14 - Negation Distinguished for: N, A, Dg |
A | Affirmative (not negated) |
N | Negated |
Position 15 - Voice Distinguished for: AG, Ac |
A | Active |
P | Passive |
Position 16 - Variant Distinguished for: As needed |
- | Basic variant |
1 | Variant (generally less frequent) |
2 | Variant (generally rarely used, bookish, or archaic) |
3 | Variant (very archaic) |
5 | Variant (colloquial) |
6 | Variant (colloquial, generally less frequent) |
7 | Variant (colloquial, generally less frequent) |
8 | Abbreviations |
template | description | sample word | sample tag |
N - Nouns |
NNgync-------a-- | noun | golos | NNMIS4-----A---- |
A - Adjectives (incl. Participles) |
AAgync------da-- | long adjective | tjaželyj | AAMIS4------1A-- |
ACg-n--------a-- | short adjective | krasiv | ACM-S--------A-- |
AGgync---rtb-av- | long participle | čitajuščij | AGMXS1---IPI-AA- |
| tv ∈ {PA,RA,XP} | pročitavšij | AGMXS1---IRP-AA- |
| i.e. present/past active, passive | čitavšij | AGMXS1---IRI-AA- |
| | čitaemyj | AGMXS1---IXI-AP- |
AUgyncf------a-- | possessive adjective | mužnin | AUMXS2M------A-- |
Acg-n----r-P-aP- | pass.perf.short participle | pročitan | AcM-S----I-P-AP- |
P - pronoun |
PP--nc--eI------ | personal pronoun, e ∈ {1,2} | nam | PP--P3--1I------ |
PPg-nc--3I------ | personal pronoun 3rd person | on | PPM-S1--3I------ |
PP---c---R------ | personal reflexive sebja | sebja | PP---4---R------ |
P5g-nc--3I------ | personal p. in prep. forms | nego | P5M-S2--3------- |
PDgync---------- | demonstrative | Etu | PDFXS4---------- |
PW---c---------- | negative (nominal declension) | ničto | PW---1---------- |
Pwgync---------- | negative (adj declension) | nikakoj | PwMXS1---------- |
PSgync-meI------ | possessive, e ∈ {1,2} | moja | PSFXS1-S1I------ |
PSXXXXfm3I------ | possessive | ego | PSXXXXMS3I------ |
PSgync---R------ | possessive reflexive | svoj | PSMXS1---R------ |
PQ---c---------- | relative/interrogative (nom decl) | što, kto | PQ---1---------- |
Pqgync---------- | relative/interrogative (adj decl) | kakoj | PqMXS1---------- |
PZ---c---------- | indefinite (nominal declension) | kogo-to | PZ---4---------- |
Pzgync---------- | indefinite (adjectival declension) | kakoj-to | PzMXS1---------- |
C - Numeral |
C=-------------- | numbers (using digits) | 3.14 | C=-------------- |
C}-------------- | roman numeral | XVII | C}-------------- |
Cngync---------- | cardinal numeral 1 | odnomu | CnMXS3---------- |
Cngy-c---------- | cardinal numeral 2, poltora | dvux | CnMX-2---------- |
Cn-y-c---------- | cardinal numeral 3, 4 | trëx | Cn-A-4---------- |
Cn---c---------- | cardinal numeral 5+ | pjati | Cn---2---------- |
Crgync---------- | ordinal | pervyj | CrMXS1---------- |
Cj-y-c---------- | generic/collective numeral | dvoix | Cj-A-3---------- |
Cu---c---------- | interrogative | skol'ko | Cu---x---------- |
Ca---c---------- | indefinite numeral | neskol'ko | Ca---1---------- |
Cagync---------- | indefinite num. (adj decl.) | mnogomu | CaMXS3----------- |
Cv-------------- | multiplicative | triždi | Cv--------------- |
V - verb |
VB--n---ertb---- | present; (rarely fut.) finite form | otryvaeš' | VB--S---2IPI---- |
VBg-n----rRb---- | past tense | čital | VBM-S----IRI---- |
Ve-------r-b---- | gerund | grozja | Ve-------I-I---- |
| | napisav | Ve-------I-P---- |
Vf-------r-b---- | infinitive | spat' | Vf-------I-I---- |
Vi--n---er-b---- | imperative | rabotaj | Vi--S---2I-I---- |
D - Adverb |
Db-------------- | adv. not forming negation/degrees | tam | Db-------------- |
Dg----------da-- | adv. forming negation/degrees | sil'nee | Dg--------2A---- |
R - Preposition |
RR---c---------- | nonvocalized prep. with c case | nad | RR---7---------- |
RV---c---------- | vocalized prep. with c case | nado | RV---7---------- |
RF-------------- | part of a multiword prep. | nesmotrja | RF-------------- |
J - Conjunction |
J^-------------- | coordinating conj. | i | J^-------------- |
J,-------------- | subordinating conj. | čto | J,-------------- |
T - particle |
TT-------------- | particle | net | TT-------------- |
I - Interjection |
II-------------- | Interjection | | II-------------- |
Z - punctuation |
Z#-------------- | Sentence boundary | | Z#-------------- |
Z:-------------- | Punctuation | ! | Z:-------------- |
X - special |
X0-------------- | part of a multiword foreign phrase | | X0-------------- |
XX-------------- | unknown | | XX-------------- |