600.465 Introduction to NLP (Fall 1999)
Final Exam
Date: Dec 21 9am (90 min.)
If asked to compute something for which you have the numbers,
that really means to compute the final number, not just to write the formula1.
If asked for a formula, write down the formula.
1. The Basics: Probability, Smoothing Entropy, and Cross-Entropy
Suppose your training data contains (only) the sentence (http://www.petpainter.com,
slightly adapted)
We specialize in petbirds including but not limited
to dogs , cats , and horses .
You are building a bigram language model p(wi|wi-1)
using maximum likelihood estimation. You do not add any special
symbols/words to the beginning and end of the data (i.e., you use separate
unigram distribution for the first position in any given data).
What is the (raw) probability of p(cats|,)?
What is the definition of the training data probability,
using the bigram approximation?
What is the entropy and perplexity of the raw bigram distribution?
Now let's turn to the issues of smoothing and cross-entropy.
Suppose this is your test data (http://hometown.aol.com/~arkful):
We also have gift baskets for dogs , cats , and horses
and their owners .
What is the cross-entropy of the raw distribution extracted
from the above training data if applied to this test data?
What is the cross-entropy on the same test data, when you
use a linearly smoothed distribution pµ(wi|wi-1)
= µ p(wi|wi-1) + (1- µ)/32. Suppose
the parameter µ has been set to 0.5 on some heldout data, and that
if you have "undefined value" for p(wi|wi-1) from
the training data (either because you have not seen the history wi-1
you are dealing with the first position of the test data), you take p(wi|wi-1)
= 1/32.
2. Maximum Entropy
What is the general form of so-called Maximum Entropy (ME)
p(y|x) = ____________________________________________
Let's assume S = {f1, f2, ..., fn}
are all the binary valued (0/1) features you are supposed to use (and find
the weights of). What is the general form of the constraints put
on the model?
Suppose you use only two binary (0/1) valued features, f
and g, defined as follows:
f(y,x) = 1 iff y = , or and, and there is no other comma to the left of
y (within the same sentence).
g(y,x) = 1 iff y = and, and there is a comma immediately in front of it.
Write down the constraints of the corresponding ME model, using the training
data from the part 1:
We specialize in petbirds including but
not limited to dogs , cats , and horses .
What can you say about the weights associated with these
two features, after performing the maximum netropy training? (If possible,
compute their values and write them down, too.)
lambdaf = __________________________________________________________
lambdag = __________________________________________________________
3. Tagging
Describe three different approaches to tagging. Include formulas
if/where appropriate.
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Shift-Reduce Parsing
Let's assume the following Context-Free Grammar G (here
with seven numbered rules):
#1 S -> A R
#2 A -> A B
#3 A -> a
#4 B -> b
#5 R -> B R C
#6 R -> r
#7 C -> c
Decide which of the following strings belong to the language
defined by the grammar G:
aaaabr Yes/No:
abbbrcc Yes/No: ____________
Yes/No: ____________
Create the shift-reduce parse tables for this grammar.
Show how the shift-reduce parser parses the string
Input stack
State tack
Rule (Reduction)
Backtracking stack
5. Statistical Parsing
What is a Probabilistic CFG? Use five sentences at most.
Now suppose the following "treebank" data, where the
pair of symbols ( ... )XX denotes a (sub)tree rooted in a nonterminal XX.
Sentence 1:
(((the)DET (dog)N)NP ((saw)V (((the)DET (cat)N)NP
((with)PREP (((a)DET (telescope)N)NP ((with)PREP ((a)DET (mirror)N)NP)PP)NP)PP)M2)VP)S
Sentence 2:
(((the)DET (dog)N)NP ((saw)V (((the)DET (cat)N)NP
((with)PREP ((a)DET (mirror)N)NP)PP )NP)VP)S
Draw the usual parse trees, with terminal symbols (words)
as leaves, and other nodes labeled by nonterminals:
the dog saw the cat with a telescope with a mirror
the dog saw the cat with a mirror
Write down the (general, non-lexicalized) CFG grammar G as
extracted from this training data.
#01 ______________________________
#02 ______________________________
#03 ______________________________
#04 ______________________________
#05 ______________________________
#06 ______________________________
#07 ______________________________
#08 ______________________________
#09 ______________________________
#10 ______________________________
#11 ______________________________
#12 ______________________________
#13 ______________________________
#14 ______________________________
#15 ______________________________
Now draw the lexicalized parse tree for the
second sentence, assuming that whenever there is a choice
of heads in any given subtree, chose (in the following precedence order):
the dog saw the cat with a mirror
OK. Now you have everything to answer these "numerical"
Estimate p(NP -> NP PP) = _______________
Estimate p(NP -> PREP N) = _______________
Estimate p(VP -> V NP) = _______________
Estimate p(VP -> V M2) = _______________
Suppose we stick to the usual three independence asumptions
and define a probability of a parse tree s (of a sentence W) as
a simple product of p(<rule>) over all rules used in the course of generation
of the sentence W.
Describe the main idea of the algorithm to compute:
(a) the best parse given a sentence and a model. Use five
sentences at most.
(b) the probability of a string given the model. Use five
sentences at most.
What is then the probablity of the following parse tree,
using the estimated nonlexicalized PCFG:
p( (((the)DET (dog)N)NP ((saw)V ((the)DET
(cat)N)NP)VP)S ) = ______________
What is the probability of the training data parse of sentence
p(s|sentence2) = _____________
What is the probability of the string "the dog saw the cat
with a mirror"?
p(sentence2) = _____________
Now a lexicalized grammar question. What is the (raw) probability
estimate of the lexicalized rule p(PP(with) -> PREP(with) NP(mirror))?
[Imagine you generate the lexicalized rules, too, under the same independence
assumptions; however, to answer this question, there is no need to generate
them all, of course. However, do not forget to look at both training
p(PP(with) -> PREP(with) NP(mirror)) = __________________
And that's it for today!
Now check if you have filled in your name and SSN. Also,
please carefully check your answers and hand the exam in.
1 Use of calculators is allowed.